[Peace-discuss] Those "surgical" air & drone strikes

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sun Dec 19 22:53:51 UTC 2021

I wrote:
> Two years before Rep. Gabbard said the above Heather Linebaugh said the following
> in the "National Bird" documentary:
> "Hearing politicians speak about drones being precision weapons, being able to
> make 'surgical strikes', to me it's completely ridiculous, completely ludicrous to
> even make those statements. It's as flawed as it can be with those people
> operating it from across the world. If they really think they can send a bomb
> through a window of a compound and hit one militant then why are we seeing so many
> civilians die of collateral damage? I'd like to ask those politicians have they
> not been notified of that? Do they not know what's going on in their own war that
> they're controlling?"
Following my own advice to post sources and so that you know I'm not making this up, 
hear Heather Linebaugh say this in "National Bird" in 
https://youtube.com/watch?v=2xF4HILHpzs starting around 7m4s.

It looks like someone has uploaded the entire documentary in segments. So for however 
long, you can see PBS' "Independent Lens" airing of "National Bird" by watching the 
following videos in this order:


It seems to me that any party with drones can use drones to foment the kind of war 
Tulsi Gabbard said she was against (regime change war). And the reality of drone war 
is that it kills (by far) more innocent civilians than targets (not to endorse the 
notion that the targets are reasonably or ethically arrived at). So Gabbard's 
objection to regime change war is not to be taken seriously. Put differently, to 
quote the words of Heather Linebaugh, any claim of objecting to war made while 
supporting drone war is "completely ridiculous, completely ludicrous" and "as flawed 
as it can be".

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