[Peace-discuss] Jimmy Dore's RFK Jr. interview covers establishment-friendly media, an issue which adversely affects anti-war coverage too

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Fri Dec 24 22:59:15 UTC 2021

Consider how many more friends we have when we talk about war conspiracies that have 
backing. Some of those friends with whom we can commiserate and organize are those 
challenging the validity of the COVID-19 narrative we've been told.

Jimmy Dore interviews RFK Jr. about his new book "The Real Anthony Fauci"

You won't find this interview on YouTube, per Jimmy Dore, because YouTube won't let 
him mention some of the material contained within the interview such as published 
studies which challenge the Big Pharma-driven narrative on how to handle COVID-19. 
Jimmy Dore has made it clear what he is told to say from YouTube and that he intends 
to make Rumble the home of his show, probably because of the YouTube censorship.

Around 34m into the above recording they got into discussing media misinformation.

> Jimmy Dore: [...] We all remember the story, because I reported it here, about how
> Rolling Stone had a dubious article that got picked up ubiquitously in the news
> media and it was how about in Oklahoma people couldn't get treatment in their
> emergency rooms because there were so many people showing up that were sick from
> taking ivermectin -- the horse prescription, ivermectin, so there's a human
> version, and there's a - just like there's a human version of penicillin -- so
> they launch this fake story and it got picked up by everybody and it turned out it
> was a completely bogus story. So how does something like this get suppressed
> [incomprehensible] How would you explain -- I understand how it happens -- but how
> would you explain to somebody how studies like that are printed and published at
> the NIH can still get suppressed ubiquitously?
> RFK Jr.: Well, you know, I don't, like, go off into too big of a tangent but there
> is one. Two articles this week in The Defender[1] which is Children Health Defense's
> newsletter, that specifically showed how the intelligence agencies now are
> manipulating three journals specifically: one The Daily KOS, two The Daily Beast,
> and three Rolling Stone with carefully planted individuals[2]. And this article by
> Dick Russell [who] has been writing about the CIA for his entire career. I urge
> people to go and read it and it talks specifically about that article by Rolling
> Stone which was just a fraud. It was a complete fraud. What it said was that there
> were so many ivermectin people who were dying from ivermectin poisoning in
> Oklahoma hospitals and gunshot victims were unable to get medical care. And it
> showed a picture, this is how ridiculous this story is, it showed a picture of a
> long line of mainly black alleged gunshot victims who are waiting outside of this
> hospital, the ivermectin poisoning victims to clear a few beds so that some of
> these poor gunshot victims could get in. So if you even think about this -- where
> did all these gunshot victims, there's 40 people in that line, why didn't I hear
> of this massacre that happened in Oklahoma where all these gunshot casualties were
> about. What they found later is that Rolling Stone had taken a stock of a group of
> people lined up to take the vaccine four months earlier and they had relabeled it
> with a caption that said 'Gunshot victims waiting for nonexistent beds in
> hospitals'. [...] The hospital came forward itself and said 'we haven't seen a
> single poisoning victim from ivermectin in the entire state of Oklahoma'. This is
> just rank fraud. Rolling Stone never retracted it. And it spread all across the
> globe, as you say, it was in Newsweek, USA Today, all of the major -- NBC, ABC,
> CBS -- [...] Rachel Maddow did a major story on it. Nobody ever apologized. It
> just is part of this extraordinary propaganda campaign that feels very very like
> all of us are being manipulated. And if you read the last chapter of my book,
> "Germ Games", it tells how that happened to be in America; how did this vast
> lockstep manipulation occur all the liberal democracies pivoted in an instant and
> performed a coup d'etat against democracy and constitutional governance and
> constitutional rights across the globe. It was baffling to most people but if you
> read that chapter of the book you'll understand how they did it.

[1] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/
[2] A two-part series: 
and https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/the-daily-beast-ties-to-cia/

The above was followed by discussion of merely questioning the information we're 
being given.

I recommend watching the entire video. It seems to me that this media influence 
adversely affects a number of important topics including something apropos here on 
peace-discuss -- anti-war discussion. Why is it bad to remind people that the 
establishment media news is sponsored by weapons manufacturers (General Electric, 
Boeing, etc.) and thus clearly benefit from more war? Recently we've seen those who 
question the basis for, say, the US/UK/French coordinated attack on Douma called 
"conspiracy theorists" when they're actually well backed by evidence from the OPCW 
which was suppressed in the OPCW's final report after an OPCW leadership change. 
Perhaps people like Aaron Maté should be called conspiracy analysts since what 
they're saying appears to be the analysis of a real conspiracy.

Some topics are simply forbidden to discuss on YouTube. Primo Radical is another 
interviewer who distributes his work on YouTube. YouTube recently removed his 
interview with Cynthia McKinney because (per 
https://twitter.com/PrimoRadical/status/1474133654259613712) she "responded to a 
patron question asking whether or not there were irregularities in the Georgia vote 
count during the 2020 election" which YouTube claimed violated their "misinformation 
policy" because "[c]ontent that advances false claims that widespread fraud, errors, 
or glitches changed the outcome of the U.S. 2020 presidential election is not allowed 
on YouTube".

This discussion (and how you can't host a discussion like this on some services) also 
illustrates why people are shifting away from YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. RT DE 
(German-language RT) has been censored off of YouTube on questionable grounds. That 
fight continues, but RT has published some articles on the subject: 

Sadly, some of them are shifting to other single points of censorship by choosing one 
other video hosting site. Instead they should distribute their videos widely, license 
their videos to share, and recognize that the works that stick around are those that 
are easily copied to multiple points of distribution. There's nothing special about 
Rokfin or Rumble. We can't have reasonable discussion on how well those sites 
withstand censorship until they are tested. If the US and UK government retarget 
their censorship campaign on Rokfin or Rumble we'll see how they react. So far we 
know that Alphabet (which owns Google, YouTube), Twitter, and Meta (formerly 
Facebook) have failed to stand up to governmental inquiries.

A natural question (which site should I pick?) misses a larger more important point: 
choosing among brands is choosing a new master. Having masters is not freedom.

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