[Peace-discuss] DN still carrying establishment water, now on Nicaraguan elections

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Fri Nov 12 03:41:06 UTC 2021

 From Aaron Maté in https://twitter.com/i/status/1457766073995087874:

> This is how @democracynow "reported" the news of Nicaragua's presidential
> elections today. It sounds like it's lifted from a State Department press
> release:

> In Nicaragua, President Daniel Ortega appears to have secured his victory in
> Sunday’s election after unleashing a months-long crackdown on his opposition. An
> early count shows Ortega receiving about three-quarters of the vote, with around
> half of the ballots still to be counted. He’s seeking a fourth term as president.
> Dozens of opposition figures, including seven presidential hopefuls, have been
> arrested since June. That prompted international outcry and sanctions from the
> U.S., European Union and other nations. This is an exiled Nicaraguan in San José,
> Costa Rica, at a protest denouncing Sunday’s election.
> Noemi Pavón: “In Nicaragua, there are no elections. In Nicaragua, there is an
> electoral circus, where Ortega chose those who will accompany him in this
> political circus. He let his political allies go free — collaborationist parties,
> as we call them. He imprisoned those candidates who formed a genuine opposition.”
Aaron Maté continues in subsequent posts to the aforementioned Twitter thread:

> There's a whole int'l delegation, including from US, in Nicaragua observing the
> vote. And there are journalists like @BenjaminNorton who live there and do
> in-depth reporting, including on the US-backed right-wing opposition. DN once
> elevated voices like these; not any longer.
> For a corrective to the hegemonic US propaganda parroted by @democracynow, see the
> reporting (on the ground in Nicaragua) by The Grayzone and @BenjaminNorton:
See https://thegrayzone.com/2021/11/05/nicaragua-us-informant-dora-maria-tellez-mrs/ 
-- "From Nicaraguan revolutionaries to US embassy informants: How Washington 
recruited ex-Sandinistas like Dora María Téllez and her MRS party"

Also see The Convo Couch's coverage of the Nicaraguan election such as 
https://twitter.com/theconvocouch/status/1457983793323823107 and reports on their 
YouTube channel such as:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=GSZPFbOctZI -- Debunking the U.S Lies on Nicaragua’s 
Election Process - Our On-The-Ground Experience
https://youtube.com/watch?v=C85sxtpOD4M -- Debunking Western Lies on Nicaraguan Elections
https://youtube.com/watch?v=aEDvx2JIE2E -- LIVE Press Conf. Debunking MSM Lies - 
Managua, Nicaragua
https://youtube.com/watch?v=4nSyqhWBItw -- LIVE 4th VOTING STATION in Bilwi, Nicaragua
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kQlr0RoTrfg -- LIVE Nicaragua Elections - Loma Verde, 
Bilwi, Nicaragua
https://youtube.com/watch?v=mdGnm6-6hY4 -- LIVE Debunking CNN, NYT - Polling Stations 

Pres. Biden and VP Harris still have plenty of time left in their administration to 
foment a Nicaraguan coup. One wonders if Amy Goodman will stop serving establishment 
interests and make her show worth watching and hearing again. For now the best I can 
say about DN is that their best is behind them; I remember the high point of that 
show's history during the run-up to the 2003 Iraq war when DN was challenging the 
establishment with unembedded journalists and debunking NYT lies about Iraqi WMDs 
making DN a must-see show. DN was not repeating the establishment narrative or 
re-airing CNN without critique as DN apparently does now.

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