[Peace-discuss] More use of FARA as means of challenging critics

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Mon Sep 6 23:26:50 UTC 2021

https://youtube.com/watch?v=JuzlvluSGbw -- "US govt records 33k calls of US-Iranian 
author charged as foreign agent"

Kaveh Afrasiabi is an author of Iranian descent who is being targeted by the US 
Government. The USG claims Afrasiabi didn't register as a foreign agent 15 years ago 
as required by FARA, the Foreign Agent Registration Act. It's not clear if the USG 
asked him to register under FARA 15 years ago or why the USG didn't ask him to do so 
then. Apparently the USG has collected 33,000 of his phone calls. Edward Korman, US 
Federal Judge, has said of this case against Afrasiabi, "I have an assistant U.S. 
attorney who is dragging out discovery to no end." but however challenging to the 
legitimacy of this case this may seem it can't be that much of a challenge because 
the case lingers on.

The Biden/Harris administration's prosecution of this case reminds me of what the 
Obama/Biden administration said and did against RT while Russiagate was ramping up -- 
in both cases FARA is a useful tool against select opponents whom the USG wants to 
make an example of. In RT's case, other foreign outlets weren't so challenged (BBC, 
CBC, etc.). It's probably no accident that those outlets are far more docile and 
eager to repeat USG propaganda than RT has been. They never host shows from people 
like Chris Hedges, Jesse Ventura & Brigida Santos or Jimmy Dore (who guest hosted 
"The World According to Jesse Ventura" when Ventura was away), and Lee Camp who all 
sharply question USG policy.

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