[Peace-discuss] Roger Waters' RT interview covers his views much more fully than his CNN interview

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sat Aug 13 01:24:00 UTC 2022

Roger Waters (famous for his work with the group Pink Floyd) recently critiqued the 
US/UK war state on CNN. According to Waters, the version of his interview that aired 
on CNN on TV was highly edited. The online version might be the complete interview 
but that didn't air on TV (so those that see CNN via TV will never hear Waters' full 
explanation). What didn't air includes a fuller explanation for how Ukraine has not 
followed through on its agreement (the Minsk accords) and that NATO's moves east is 
an existential threat to Russia. Waters also labels Joe Biden a war criminal, 
something CNN apparently isn't too keen to get into or let anyone else get into on 
their shows.

Waters did another interview with RT which is available below, in full, seemingly 
with no edits (as far as I know).

Why should US decide how everyone behaves - Roger Waters

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