[Peace-discuss] TheVaxKills.com ... new Steve Francis website

Stephen Francis stephenf1113 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 20 15:06:07 UTC 2022

The 'Plandemic' is just a component of the Great Reset by Leftists, Communists, Globalists, NWO psychopathsThe Zio-Anglo-American cabal fills its ranks including the leadership of the Democratic Party and RINOsThe 'Plandemic' was required, in part, in order to enable mail-in voting to steal 2020 election.Once the election was stolen, then the Ukraine War would be initiated by the aforementioned cabalSupply chain disruption, food processing plant destruction, fertilizer availability disruption...famine...Bidenflation ...on and on...WWIII is next?

Site summary page:
   - Report sources: This site focuses on the Most Prestigious Medical Organizations (MPMO) in the world in order to appeal to those adhering to the mainstream side of events. They include Lancet, World Health Organization, Journal of Pediatrics, CDC, New England Journal of Medicine, British Medical Journal, National Academy of Sciences, and many more. Of course, there is an abundance of controversial beliefs about these organizations, but their views should be taken into consideration. Alt news sources are also presented.
   - Introduction: Big Tech, Big Pharma, CDC et al, Democratic Party, and the MSM, by fascistic means, censor almost all reports/research that doesn't fit their collective narrative. If you don't know the exact title of any of the below reports they are nearly impossible to find by searching Google, but some are getting through. This report attempts to list only a small portion of them. The following headlines are listed for summary purposes only. The organization attached to each headline is detailed in the Uncensored Content page. It is most often a major national organization recognized by the aforementioned cabal. This in no way is an endorsement of those organizations because many are compromised, but there exist pockets of truth. Next, and in some cases, the alternative website that used that national source is referenced and their content is an interpretation of that source's information. This material contains highly technical content and may be difficult to understand.
   - More investigation rather than censorship and coverup ... the below headlines are treated in far more detail and are associated with the MPMO mentioned above ... these topics should be the focus of new research rather than censorship and coverup.
   - Go to the Uncensored Content page for more details   of the MPMO
   - The following titles are an interpretive characterization of the MPMO
   - Monkeypox is the result of the waning of cell-mediated immunity (VAIDS)  
   - WHO report: 95% of Monkeypox cases are among gay men  
   - DailyMail.uk: Birx and Fauci fabricated arbitrary mask and lockdown protocols  
   - Aggressive and unusual cancers following the vax are on the rise   
   - 35 cases of child's myocarditis were found within one week of the Pfizer jab.  
   - CDC data: 183 million Americans refuse vax at some level  
   - New England Journal of Medicine ...  VAIDS explained  
   - The difference between absolute and relative risk vax efficacy calculations  
   - VAIDS (vaccine-induced AIDS) explain  ed
   - mRNA vaccines cause an increased risk to infectious diseases and cancer  
   - Tel Aviv University study: Vaxed have low sperm count  
   - Vaxed more likely to be hospitalized  
   - Masks ineffective, 150 studies  
   - Go to Page 2  
   - Vax associated withParkinson's Disease  
   - Lockdowns only reduced mortality by 0.2%  
   - Surgical Neurology International on Covid hoax  
   - National Academy of Sciences, Face masks contribute to case fatality rate  
   - Office of National Statistics, compare mortality between vaxed and unvaxed  
   - New Zealand Ministry of Health/Reuters, dramatic rise in infections and deaths  
   - Science mag calls for an inquiry into the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus  
   - Pfizer, former VP/Chief Scientific Advisor, 'vaccines' all about societal control  
   - 18 Critical Covid videos  
   - Go to page 3  
   - 18 Critical Covid videos  
   - Human Biology Institute, mRNA vaccines, prion disease, “Mad Cow Disease”  
   - mRNA, ALS, Alzheimer’s disease and other degenerative diseases.  
   - OurWorldInData, Haiti, extremely low vax rate, extremely low Covid death rate  
   - NEJM: boosters significantly delays end of Covid infection  
   - NIH, Lancet: COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time  
   - Lancet: China lockdowns harming population long term  
   - Virology Journal: jabs deplete immune function  
   - Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and remediation, Shingles  
   - Lancet: Mental health after China's prolonged lockdowns  
   - Paul Ehrlich Institute vax complications far higher than previously reported
   - Israeli Ministry of Health Concealed Serious Harm from Pfizer Covid Vaccines  
   - Misc unformated reports based on mainstream sources  

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