[Peace-discuss] [Peace] Fwd: Abortion is healthcare

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 22:29:46 UTC 2022

Women's health is not valued.

Thirty years ago, I went to the emergency room because I was afraid that I
was having a miscarriage.
All they did was tell me that yes I had had a miscarriage and they sent me
home. No counseling, no helpful information, not one bit of concern for
the "why?"

Because, it turns out, miscarriages happen a lot. And back before the
1990s, nobody talked about things like miscarriages in public. I had no
clue that my grandmothers had had miscarriages, my aunts, ... it was like
that with cancer too. If a man in the family had cancer, everyone was
talking about it quietly; but if a woman in the family had cancer there was

Women's health is just not valued. And if your skin is a bit darker, ...
then your healthcare is not even taught in medical school.

-karen medina
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