[Peace-discuss] The Biden Administration Is in No Rush to Help Ukraine Negotiate an End to the War | Branko Marcetic | Jacobin

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sat Jun 11 22:47:18 UTC 2022

C. G. Estabrook wrote:
> https://www.jacobinmag.com/2022/05/peace-talks-diplomacy-negotiations-ukraine-russia-war-biden-johnson

Marcetic finds that Russian "battlefield gains remain so disappointing". It's not 
clear what he expected. Russia has long said it wants a buffer from an advancing NATO 
from the West (which also shows the lie of NATO's claim not to expand "one inch 
eastward") and that is reflected in a map from May 31, 2022 from state-funded BBC 
this map shows Russian control over the eastern and southern part of Ukraine (a swath 
from Izyum to Melitopol) with a tiny sliver in the northeast controlled by Ukraine.

How things change -- the pro-war, pro-empire New York Times[1] is now changing their 
reporting (per https://lbry.bcow.xyz/@RT:fd/kiev_narrative_0707:2). Ukraine's now 
former human rights ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova recently admitted that "maybe I 
overdid it" in her evidenceless claims of sexual crimes from Russian soldiers as a 
means of war which she fabricated. She was fired but her claims ran in 
establishment-serving media (https://lbry.bcow.xyz/@RT:fd/claims_overdid_09:9).

NYT is reporting that the finger-pointing about Ukraine's loss has begun. This 
probably means that the end of this proxy war is coming if the US can't find a way to 
keep the war going (and contrary to what Sen. Risch recently said, "This war will 
never be over..." in his effort to keep the grift going[2]).

Russia has been long backed into this US-backed anti-Russian regime change war which 
constitutes an existential threat to Russia. This isn't "Vladimir Putin's forever 
war" like Newsweek and The Atlantic claim or even "Putin is Preparing for a Long War" 
like the NYT reported. It's the US' attempt at forever war and the US pushed Russia 
into a response dating back many years starting with the US's coup of Ukraine; this 
didn't start in February 2022. Establishment outlets apparently won't give drumbeat 
coverage of the Maidan, the years of bombing the Donbas (or the over ten thousand 
dead there), and the US role in these things.

Jimmy Dore is still one of far too few who reports on these developments

Ukraine Needs To Admit Defeat NOW! Says Top U.S. Military Leader

U.S. Wants Ukraine War To Last Forever

[1] The NYT is highly overrated but I know of people who take it seriously so it's 
useful to point out when the NYT's belligerence changes.

Building on 
which includes self-contradictory pro-war language such as:
> The way we protect U.S. interests and stay out of this fight is by giving
> Ukrainians the tools to defend their sovereignty. Give Ukraine missiles. Give them
> airplanes. Give them humanitarian assistance. Give them equipment to defend
> themselves against Putin’s war machine, and do it faster.

and comments given in hearings as shown in:

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