[Peace-discuss] Fwd: David Green's excellent letter to the NG

karen aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 17 12:15:18 UTC 2022

My copy and paste has messed it up a bit, but the basic info. is below. I’m still waiting to see Mort’s letter which has yet to appear.
> Playing chicken with Russia
> "Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union (1991), the goal of the American ruling class has been to prevent any rapprochement between the European Union and Russia.
> Such a development would threaten European subordination to American economic and military hegemony, as well as facilitate the rise of China in a multi-polar global context.
> Thus, since the early 2000s, enormous pressure has been put on Ukraine to act as an impoverished, corrupt and dependent extension of the U.S., E.U. and NATO. This has been accompanied by the stripping of assets from Ukrainian oligarchs, indebtedness and governmental austerity dictated by the International Monetary Fund, emigration/de-population, massive infusions of American weapons, and the rise of hardcore neo-Nazi, pro-American battalions in western UkraineIn 2014, then-President Barack Obama promoted the Maidan coup in response to a neutral and fairly elected Ukrainian administration, respectful of the Russian-speaking Donbass region. The children of President Joe Biden wet their beaks in the aftermath of these imperialist tacticVladimir Putin’s unremarkable red lines have been clear throughout regarding NATO membership, the militarization of Ukraine and the ongoing Ukrainian attacks in the Donbass, with 14,000 dead since 2014. Also clear have been Biden’s efforts, as vice president and president, to play a dangerous game of chicken, resulting in a predictable and violent outcome.The war-loving American ruling class and its media apparatchiks will continue to turn the truth on its head, with the assistance of the professorial class, including locally. Decent citizens should put it back on its feet."

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