[Peace-discuss] 5/11: *Cardin* called for *"independent"* investigation of journalist's killing

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Fri May 13 16:55:09 UTC 2022

Look at this. *Cardin*. 2nd top Dem on SFRC. Super-dooper close to AIPAC.
One of four Dem Senators who voted against Obama's Iran deal. Jewish.
Impeccable Jewish credentials, untouchable, a fortress, Mother of all

Calling for an "*independent*" investigation, the day of the event.

What does "independent" mean in this context? "Independent" of the Israeli
government. He's saying that we can't trust the Israeli government to
investigate itself.

OK, a bunch of people are saying, "Duh, we knew that." But this is *Cardin*
saying it, the Mother of all Senate Jewish Validators.

If *Cardin* can say this, *any Member of Congress can say it*.

All they have to do is stand behind Cardin, use Cardin for cover,
quote-retweet Cardin's tweet. "I agree with Senator Cardin." That's it.
That's all they have to do. In thirty seconds, they can participate in a
world-historical act and march on the stage of history.


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