[Peace-discuss] AAI: 57 Members support U.S. investigation for Shireen Abu Akleh

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Fri May 20 17:47:11 UTC 2022

This is some kind of record for Members of Congress speaking up for a
Palestinian human rights issue.

And look who cooperated on this letter: Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christans.

[image: image.png]

"This is a BFD," as President Biden would say.


*From:* Jim Zogby
*Date:* May 20, 2022 at 11:44:08 AM EDT
*Subject:* *Robert- you did it! 57 Members support U.S. investigation for
Shireen Abu Akleh*

[image: Arab American Institute Logo]

Dear Susan,

You made the difference. In just 48 hours you, and countless others like
you, spoke out in favor of justice for Shireen Abu Akel. The result?
One-fourth of House Democrats responded and *agreed with you - on the
record!* Shireen Abu Akel was an American citizen and respected journalist.
She deserves no less than a full investigation by the U.S. Department of
State and the F.B.I.

The importance of this changing tide cannot be understated. But you aren't
done yet. Please check the list of 57 congressional signers. If your
Representative is on it, call them through the U.S. House Switchboard
at (202) 224-3121 and say thank you.* Let them know you appreciate their
stand for justice especially since Israeli military officials have already
said there will be no investigation into this killing.*

If you're Representative is not on the list of signers call (202)
224-3121. Once connected, tell the staffer you're a constituent and *ask why
your Representative did not sign the Carson, Correa, Pascrell letter to
"Support a U.S. Investigation into the Death of Palestinian-American
Journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh." Remind them that Israeli military officials
have already refused to investigate the killing of Shireen, a U.S. citizen.
For the U.S. NOT to investigate the killing of an American is unacceptable.*

I included the Carson, Correa, Pascrell letter below along with the list of
57 signers. You can also find the letter here

Thank you for standing up for justice for Shireen and for all Palestinians.



*Members of Congress supporting *

*"A U.S. Investigation into the Death of Palestinian-American Journalist,
Shireen Abu Akleh."*

André Carson

J. Luis Correa

Anna G. Eshoo

Barbara Lee

Raúl M. Grijalva

James P. McGovern

Bill Pascrell, Jr.

Marie Newman

Debbie Dingell

Ro Khanna

Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D.

Eleanor Holmes Norton

Ilhan Omar

John Garamendi

Mark DeSaulnier

Mark Pocan

Jerry McNerney

Susan Wild

Peter Welch

Mike Thompson

Betty McCollum

Donald S. Beyer Jr.

Jesús G. "Chuy" García

Gwen S. Moore

Zoe Lofgren

Jackie Speier

Seth Moulton

Alma S. Adams, Ph.D.

Alan Lowenthal

Eric Swalwell

Andy Levin

Dwight Evans

Veronica Escobar

Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, Jr.

Eddie Bernice Johnson

Jared Huffman

Jahana Hayes

Nydia M. Velázquez

John Yarmuth

Marcy Kaptur

Mark Takano

Tom Malinowski

Katherine M. Clark

Stephen F. Lynch

Joaquin Castro

David E. Price

Pramila Jayapal

Ayanna Pressley

Rashida Tlaib

Peter A. DeFazio

Chellie Pingree

Jan Schakowsky

Cori Bush

Daniel T. Kildee

Bonnie Watson Coleman

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Sheila Jackson Lee

Arab American Institute Foundation
1600 K Street, NW, Suite 601
Washington, DC 20006
United States

[image: Arab American Institute Logo]

[image: Facebook]

Arab American Institute
1600 K St, NW, Suite 601
Washington, DC 20006
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