From jbn at Tue Aug 1 06:56:42 2023 From: jbn at (J.B. Nicholson) Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 01:56:42 -0500 Subject: [Peace-discuss] A couple of new programs to watch Message-ID: <> Aaron Mat? interviewed John Mearsheimer: Ukraine war is a long-term danger Glenn Greenwald Wikipedia: From Democratized Knowledge to Left-Establishment Propaganda, w/ co-Founder Larry Sanger I think that the Sanger interview was the weakest part of the show because Sanger is not skilled at speaking clearly and succinctly. I was also struck by how Sanger expressed the range of political expression (not being able to tell "if a Democrat or a Republican" wrote an article, seeing "both sides" of an issue represented), and a desire for article neutrality (I'm not sure such a thing is possible). These things strike me as typically American expression of the limits of political thought which is noteworthy particularly on a show such as Greenwald's where Greenwald makes it clear that both major political corporations agree on all of the most major issues of the day (chief among them: war). Sanger also doesn't have much to say beyond what is reported about him telling people never to use Wikipedia because Wikipedia has become co-opted by the permanent government powers. I also don't agree that other encyclopedias don't face a problem akin to Wikipedia, but I recognize that other encyclopedias are likely far less read since the web became popular so those other encyclopedias probably matter less to most computer users. Tomorrow night's Greenwald show will include the analysis of standup comic Jim Gaffigan's appearance on Joe Rogan's show where (according to Greenwald) Rogan educated Gaffigan on what a malevolent force the FBI is (staging the Gov. Whitmer kidnapping, likely staging the Jan. 6 events, as a couple examples). Gaffigan reportedly said that he couldn't believe the FBI weren't a bunch of standup citizens defending our interests while Rogan laid out the case for seeing January 6 as just another FBI psy-op. I haven't seen either Rogan's Gaffigan interview nor Greenwald's take on this. However I think I can guess that Gaffigan did express a Pollyannaish view of the FBI and I think I understand why Gaffigan would do that: Gaffigan, like most standup comics, is constantly auditioning to get in the establishment's good graces. The establishment has a lot of money to spend on propagandistic efforts sold as entertainment (I point you to every 'news comedy' show on TV since and including "The Daily Show" except for RT's former show "Redacted Tonight"). Achieving the reward that comes with establishment subservience requires demonstrating that one can be trusted by echoing establishment pieties. Joe Rogan's program is the most watched these days; Rogan is mainstream interviewing. Therefore Gaffigan had to not buy Rogan's view that it looks like J6 was riddled with FBI-connected people. You won't find many comics challenging COVID policy, J6, 9/11, and so many other events of national importance despite the jokes to be had in each of them. Jimmy Dore has said that he appreciates the "wide lane" this leaves him to make such jokes in his comedy shows and specials (which he does: his latest special is called "Covid Jokes Are Funny" and his YouTube channel has excerpts from that show). From naiman.uiuc at Wed Aug 2 18:47:46 2023 From: naiman.uiuc at (Robert Naiman) Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2023 14:47:46 -0400 Subject: [Peace-discuss] Sept 30-Oct 8: target for Senate 502B vote on cluster bombs in Ukraine? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: CODEPINK says there are Global Days of Action for a ceasefire in Ukraine, Sept. 30-Oct. 8th. This might be an ideal target for a Senate vote on a 502B resolution on cluster bombs in Ukraine. Introduction of a privileged 502B resolution in the Senate starts a clock. If Senators wanted to have a vote between Sept. 30-Oct. 8th, a good target for the introduction of a bill might be September 21, the UN International Day of Peace. A 502B resolution is a blank canvas. Senators introducing the bill can write whatever they agree to write on the blank canvas. This is an advantage of a 502B resolution over a privileged resolution under the War Powers Resolution or the Arms Export Control Act, where there is a structure Senators have to follow. A 502B resolution is a set of questions the Administration has to answer within 30 days of the passage of the bill. Senators can put any question in the 502B resolution that Senators want answered. They can put questions about cluster bombs, they can put questions about "ceasefire." They can put questions about the Saudi use of U.S. cluster bombs in Yemen between March 2015 and June 2016, when the Sullivan-Blinken gang who signed the Yemen mea culpa letter were in charge, just as they are now. Look at the Saudi-Yemen 502B resolution that Senators Murphy, Lee, and Durbin introduced in March. There's a question there about the Saudi government protecting Saudi nationals from U.S. justice for crimes committed in the United States. What does that have to do with "human rights in Saudi Arabia?" Doesn't matter. Senators can address whatever they want in a 502B resolution. The only constraint is that the provisions have to be framed as questions for the Administration. Furthermore, once there is a floor debate and vote scheduled in the Senate, it's like Lysistrata and her comrades #occupying the Acropolis. Senators can say anything they want during the Window of Attention and Media Focus created by the floor debate and vote, regardless of what the text of the bill is. This Free Speech activity is specifically protected by the Constitution's Speech and Debate clause. Look at the floor debate on the Sanders-Lee-Murphy Yemen War Powers Resolution in March 2018. Some Senators talked about women imprisoned and tortured in Saudi Arabia for the "crime" of Driving While Female. What did that have to do with the war in Yemen? Doesn't matter. They're Senators. They can say whatever the hell they want during the floor debate. And they can say whatever they want to the media during the Window of Attention and Media Focus created by the floor debate and vote. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Marcy Winograd Date: Wed, Aug 2, 2023 at 7:40?AM Subject: [CODEPINKCONGRESS] Pls host a ceasefire in Ukraine event during our Global Days of Action (Sept. 30-Oct. 8th) Dear CODEPINK Congress: The International Summit for Peace in Ukraine, held in Vienna earlier this summer, is asking people to host a ceasefire event during the Global Days of Action, Sept. 30-Oct. 8th. Examples of actions can include: street vigils, bannering, tabling, marches or walks, teach-ins, etc. Please fill out this form for the Global Days of Action (Sept. 30-Oct. 8th) if you would like to list an event to promote a ceasefire and diplomacy to end the Russia-Ukraine War. We can then post the event on the Peace in Ukraine Coalition website and encourage people to attend your event. See my example below--and thanks for considering this!!! Peace, Marcy Winograd Santa Barbara, CA Central Coast AntiWar Coalition Tabling & Petitioning for a Ceasefire in Ukraine Thursday, October 5th, 6-8 PM Corner of Anacapa & State Street, downtown Santa Barbara (park in the lot behind State) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jbn at Thu Aug 3 03:37:03 2023 From: jbn at (J.B. Nicholson) Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2023 22:37:03 -0500 Subject: [Peace-discuss] RFK Jr. interview on Jimmy Dore live now In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I wrote: > I virtually guarantee you this will not show up on YouTube because YouTube is so > censorious. YT is basically killing itself carrying out the authoritarian policies > of the Biden/Harris administration. The show segments have been uploaded to YouTube, for example: RFK Jr Odiously Defends Israel - Agrees To Debate Max Blumenthal On Palestine! which might look like my claim above is wrong, but I recommend giving YouTube more time to react. YouTube has a history of pulling down segments after the segment has been up (sometimes months later) and these segments are newly uploaded today. I think that censorship could happen with the 2023 Jimmy Dore RFK Jr. interview segments because RFK Jr. has critical views of topics YouTube doesn't approve -- COVID policy, for example. Jimmy Dore has been given language to say whenever someone is critical of the COVID jabs and Dore says it so that his YouTube channel isn't taken down (according to Jimmy Dore). YouTube has also been known to artificially downrank segments (such as Jimmy Dore's interview with Dr. Robert Malone which is at but is more easily found on Rumble at when one searches for "dore malone"). Here are the segments from Rumble (where I have no evidence to show that segments get removed except for those the poster chooses to later remove on their own): RFK Jr. Accused Of N at zi Dog Whistle! RFK Jr.?s SHOCKING Visit To The U.S.-Mexico Border ?No, Climate Change Is Not A Hoax? ? RFK Jr. To Fix U.S. Healthcare We Need To STOP POISONING OURSELVES ? RFK Jr. DENIED! White House Refuses Secret Service Protection For RFK Jr. This Is Why American Kids Are The SICKEST In The World ? RFK Jr. RFK Jr. Is MORE POPULAR Than Biden Or Trump! ? New Poll Democratic Party ALREADY Scheming To Screw RFK Jr.! Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?s Spiritual Journey To Sobriety Warmongering Is KILLING The U.S. Middle Class ? RFK Jr. From cgestabrook at Fri Aug 4 20:39:13 2023 From: cgestabrook at (C G Estabrook) Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2023 15:39:13 -0500 Subject: [Peace-discuss] Fwd: Breaking news: The decision is in References: <> Message-ID: > Begin forwarded message: > > From: Peter Breen > Subject: Breaking news: The decision is in > Date: August 4, 2023 at 3:31:43 PM CDT > To: cgestabrook at > > ? > > Dear C., > > Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker and Attorney General Kwame Raoul thought they could wage a crusade against our brave pro-life advocates and get away with it? > > They were wrong. > > We?ve just scored a massive victory in our legal battle to protect pro-life pregnancy help ministries in Illinois! > > You might remember that last week we sued Attorney General Raoul, immediately after Pritzker signed SB 1909 into law. > > SB 1909 is the most radical anti-free speech law in the country, seeking to declare pro-life speech illegal and shutter the doors of pro-life pregnancy help centers statewide?simply because these life-affirming organizations do not provide or refer for abortion. > > Yesterday, we made our case in federal court. > > At the conclusion of a blockbuster five-and-a-half hour hearing, the U.S. District Court judge ruled from the bench and entered a ?preliminary injunction? against the enforcement of SB 1909. > > This means Illinois cannot enforce this flagrantly unconstitutional law for the duration of our lawsuit? > > ?and pregnancy help ministries are free to continue their life-saving work without the threat of legal persecution and ruinous fines. > > Free speech won today in the Land of Lincoln?pro-life advocates across Illinois can breathe a sigh of relief they won?t be pursued for "misinformation" by Raoul. > > Thomas More Society is representing NIFLA, a national network of pregnancy help centers with 81 partner centers in Illinois. > > Their partner centers provide compassionate care to pregnant women in need, through a wide range of material, emotional, and spiritual resources?at no cost to the mother. > > Here?s what Thomas Glessner, President of NIFLA had to say: > ? > ?This is a victory for a woman's fundamental constitutional right to choose life and we are incredibly grateful to our attorneys at the Thomas More Society for their relentless work fighting for pregnancy centers to continue to help women in need.? > ? > But this fight is nowhere near over. This morning, Pritzker was already on CNN, firing back against us and this ruling. > > But I can promise this: we will not rest either. We?ll take this lawsuit all the way, if that?s what it takes. > > Can I count on you for a generous gift of $35 or more today to help us make sure this victory is secured? > The abortionists are on a warpath to transform the Land of Lincoln into an ?oasis? for abortion? and they know that pro-life pregnancy help centers pose an existential threat to that nightmarish vision. > > They know that when a pregnant woman is presented with truthful information regarding abortion, and all her options, their bottom-line suffers. > > And when their profit margins suffer? precious, innocent children are brought into this world. > > C., I can?t exaggerate how important this case is. > > If Planned Parenthood and their allies in Illinois win, pro-abortion ideologues nationwide will enact laws just like SB 1909. > > The life-affirming work of pregnancy help centers would then face unprecedented threats in every part of our great nation. > > Help us keep the doors of pro-life pregnancy help centers open with a gift of $35 or more today. > Pregnancy help ministries deserve protection and praise? not $50,000 fines and ruinous investigations and lawsuits. > > Please pray for our incredible clients and our team as we continue to defend pregnancy help ministries from SB 1909 and laws like it across the country. > > Gratefully, > > Peter Breen > Executive Vice President & Head of Litigation > > DONATE > > > ? Thomas More Society | > 309 W. Washington Street Suite 1250, Chicago, IL 60606 > > privacy policy > Unsubscribe here > ? > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From naiman.uiuc at Sun Aug 6 15:43:15 2023 From: naiman.uiuc at (Robert Naiman) Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2023 11:43:15 -0400 Subject: [Peace-discuss] Action Corps: Tell Bernie: Lead in the Senate to End Endless Wars In-Reply-To: References: <64ce4c99d5ffe_24fbb63f8bf4f6b72856391e@ip-10-0-0-83.mail> Message-ID: Please sign and amplify. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Action Corps Date: Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 9:20?AM Subject: Tell Bernie: Lead in the Senate to End Endless Wars To: Sign the petition we'll hand deliver this Thursday to Senator Bernie Sanders! Robert Naiman ? As a candidate for President in 2020, Joe Biden promised to ?end endless wars,? including the Saudi war in Yemen. These promises are enshrined in the 2020 Democratic Platform, where it says : ?Democrats will deliver on this overdue commitment to end the forever wars? Democrats will end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen and help bring the war to an end... Democrats believe that the United States should support diplomatic efforts?not block them.? Although President Biden deserves credit for bringing home the troops from Afghanistan and pushing for a ceasefire in Yemen, these 2020 Democratic Platform promises remain largely unfulfilled. As recently reported by *The Nation* , the U.S.-enabled Saudi blockade on people in Yemen continues, while the Intercept has reported that the Biden Administration is now slow-walking diplomacy to end the war. U.S. troops remain in Syria. The Biden Administration continues to take escalatory steps in Ukraine it had previously refused, such as its recent decision to transfer cluster bombs to Ukraine ? in violation of the cluster bomb treaty and despite the opposition of 150 Members of the House and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. As the Netanyahu government takes unprecedented actions that threaten democracy in Israel, Israeli democracy activists complain that the Biden Administration is not speaking up forcefully enough against this to stop the Israeli government?s present course. We need Bernie to challenge the drift of the Biden Administration back to endless war. *Sign the Petition* This Thursday, Action Corps Vermont volunteers will personally deliver this petition at a public event. They will directly hand a stack of petitions -- including your name -- to the senator. The petition calls on Bernie to: 1. Re-introduce his Yemen War Powers Resolution to end all U.S. participation in the Saudi war in Yemen, as he promised to last year, and encourage House Members to introduce a companion resolution in the House. 2. Co-sponsor the Murphy-Lee-Durbin 502B resolution demanding transparency and accountability for the U.S. role in the Saudi war in Yemen, as Senator Warren did in July . Encourage House members to introduce a companion resolution in the House. 3. Introduce a 502B resolution in the Senate to force the Administration to answer the questions of human rights groups about the transfer and use of U.S. cluster bombs in Ukraine. Human Rights Watch told *Democracy Now* that the Biden Administration was not being transparent about what cluster bombs they were transferring and what the ?dud rates? of these cluster bombs are, which is crucial to how many children will be killed and maimed in the future by unexploded bomblets, long after the conflict has ended. Children in Laos are still being killed and maimed today by cluster bombs dropped by the U.S. in Laos during the Vietnam War. 4. Introduce a 502B resolution in the Senate to force the Administration to answer the questions of human rights groups about U.S. policy towards the erosion of democratic norms in Israel, consistent with the intent of Rep. Schakowsky?s ?Supporting Israeli Democracy? resolution in the House. Please urge Bernie to take action in the Senate now to end endless war by signing our petition. *Sign the Petition* Thank you for lending your name for the effort to end endless war and save lives around the world. In solidarity, Isaac P.S. One last favor -- If you are able, can you pitch in to help build our on-the-ground network of volunteers, like the ones in Vermont who will deliver this petition on Thursday? Your quick $5 donation will help build people power for global justice. Donate Isaac Evans-Frantz he/him Executive Director -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jbn at Sat Aug 12 23:24:59 2023 From: jbn at (J.B. Nicholson) Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 18:24:59 -0500 Subject: [Peace-discuss] Interesting viewing -- Scott Ritter and The Duran Message-ID: <> Scott Ritter A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Parts 1 and 2 Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 89: Ask the Inspector Related article: YouTube bans Scott Ritter > YouTube has terminated the account of former US spy Scott Ritter and deleted all > of his videos on the platform. According to Ritter, the Google-owned social media > giant accused his channel of violating the terms of service. > > Writing on X (formerly known as Twitter), Ritter stated that his channel, ?The > Scott Ritter Show?, through which he attempted to ?import Russian voices to an > American/Western audience,? had been flagged for ?hate speech? and taken down > without prior warning or any specific examples of the offense. > > ?There was never any hate speech involved in any of the episodes of ?The Scott > Ritter Show?, unless one views unique content from silenced voices hateful,? > Ritter said, calling the move ?the latest in a series of actions by YouTube to > silence Russian voices.? > > ?[This] represents the living manifestation of the disease of Russophobia which > has swept America and US-based social media platforms,? he wrote. Western media > under 'military censorship' ? Kremlin Western media under 'military censorship' ? > Kremlin Read more Western media under 'military censorship' ? Kremlin > > In a separate post, Ritter noted that in addition to his channel, YouTube had also > deleted the ?Ask The Inspector? channel, claiming that the move is ?a targeted > effort by YouTube to remove/minimize my voice, and those of my guests and the > people who took the time to ask probing questions about the pressing issues of the > day.? > > ?Those who are behind this should know ? you won?t succeed,? Ritter said, adding > that there is a ?vast social media world? beyond YouTube, while warning those that > remain on the platform that they will at some point have to conform to it or have > their channels deleted, too. > > ?Both of them: Ask the Inspector and ?The Scott Ritter Show. We?re moving to > Rumble,? he told RT on Friday. The Duran EU pressures Russia to rejoin grain deal. Shoigu says Poland main threat to Russia From jbn at Fri Aug 18 04:57:45 2023 From: jbn at (J.B. Nicholson) Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 23:57:45 -0500 Subject: [Peace-discuss] Interesting viewing Message-ID: The Duran: John Bolton escalation. Removing Imran Khan w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live) My take: Good views on Imran Khan's regime change ousting (and giving credit where credit is due, The Intercept did good work here). This means the Biden administration is now sabre rattling with three nuclear powers: Russia (by proxy via Ukraine), China, and Pakistan. Soon to come: more agitation of Russia via Africa in backing ECOWAS intervention in Niger which (as of yesterday) the US government's official stance won't rule out. The Duran: Denying liberty, eroding democracy with Thierry Baudet, John Laughland and Alexander Mercouris Tucker Carlson's "Tucker on Twitter" show My take: Tucker Carlson is still getting massive viewership online. If being a "mainstream" show comes down to popularity, Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson's shows are mainstream and TV is dying. RFK Jr.: My take: In case you haven't been keeping up with recent movements in censorship and the fight to prevent the US government from telling publishers (most notably Twitter, Google, Facebook, and the like) whose work to censor, hide in search results, shadowban, or otherwise obscure. Most recently, Scott Ritter's channel was kicked off of YouTube (read his own words about this in ) and Glenn Greenwald covered the new Twitter CEO, Linda Yaccarino, pushing the latest ill-defined-on-purpose "lawful not awful" publishing in . Sadly, it looks like constantly suing the US government is the only way to get it to stop doing unconstitutional things (no surprise here, really). This is why it's worth passing around URLs instead of YouTube. Rumble has a history of going up against state-sponsored calls for censorship such as when France told Rumble to stop carrying RT and other Russian outlets Rumble reacted by continuing to carry those channels and telling France that they'd rather give up the French market than comply with censorship. France blocked Rumble and we get one more place to pick up the news that we're not supposed to see or hear. Relatedly: Wikipedia's willing co-optation by the permanent government/deep state is gaining more coverage (Greenwald covered it recently, for example). On any topic that the US government, powerful people, or powerful industry considers relevant you can safely assume that Wikipedia articles are propagandized. Very little in the article is safe from this (perhaps the current logo for commercial operations might be truthful). From kmedina67 at Fri Aug 18 22:53:16 2023 From: kmedina67 at (Karen Medina) Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 17:53:16 -0500 Subject: [Peace-discuss] Interesting viewing In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Thanks J.B. Sent from my iPhone > On Aug 17, 2023, at 11:58 PM, J.B. Nicholson via Peace-discuss wrote: > > ?The Duran: John Bolton escalation. Removing Imran Khan w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live) > > My take: Good views on Imran Khan's regime change ousting (and giving credit where credit is due, The Intercept did good work here). This means the Biden administration is now sabre rattling with three nuclear powers: Russia (by proxy via Ukraine), China, and Pakistan. Soon to come: more agitation of Russia via Africa in backing ECOWAS intervention in Niger which (as of yesterday) the US government's official stance won't rule out. > > > > The Duran: Denying liberty, eroding democracy with Thierry Baudet, John Laughland and Alexander Mercouris > > > > > Tucker Carlson's "Tucker on Twitter" show > > My take: Tucker Carlson is still getting massive viewership online. If being a "mainstream" show comes down to popularity, Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson's shows are mainstream and TV is dying. > > > > RFK Jr.: > > My take: In case you haven't been keeping up with recent movements in censorship and the fight to prevent the US government from telling publishers (most notably Twitter, Google, Facebook, and the like) whose work to censor, hide in search results, shadowban, or otherwise obscure. Most recently, Scott Ritter's channel was kicked off of YouTube (read his own words about this in ) and Glenn Greenwald covered the new Twitter CEO, Linda Yaccarino, pushing the latest ill-defined-on-purpose "lawful not awful" publishing in . Sadly, it looks like constantly suing the US government is the only way to get it to stop doing unconstitutional things (no surprise here, really). > > This is why it's worth passing around URLs instead of YouTube. Rumble has a history of going up against state-sponsored calls for censorship such as when France told Rumble to stop carrying RT and other Russian outlets Rumble reacted by continuing to carry those channels and telling France that they'd rather give up the French market than comply with censorship. France blocked Rumble and we get one more place to pick up the news that we're not supposed to see or hear. > > Relatedly: Wikipedia's willing co-optation by the permanent government/deep state is gaining more coverage (Greenwald covered it recently, for example). On any topic that the US government, powerful people, or powerful industry considers relevant you can safely assume that Wikipedia articles are propagandized. Very little in the article is safe from this (perhaps the current logo for commercial operations might be truthful). > _______________________________________________ > Peace-discuss mailing list > Peace-discuss at > From jbn at Wed Aug 30 02:50:29 2023 From: jbn at (J.B. Nicholson) Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2023 21:50:29 -0500 Subject: [Peace-discuss] Recommendable recent videos on freedom of speech Message-ID: Videos I've seen recently which happen to share a theme of freedom of speech. On Grayzone being kicked off GoFundMe and GoFundMe donors having their money seized (both in the Grayzone case and in other cases such as the recent Canadian Trucker Protests) Glenn Greenwald interviews Julian Assange's father Chris Hedges Report Was Shakespeare a woman? [Who wrote the plays attributed to Shakespeare?] Related: Shakespeare and the politics of the 21st Century How liberal comedians became lap dogs for establishment power w/Lee Camp My note: Unfortunately Lee Camp violates his own objection in the section on "woke" comedy (starting around 16m 32s) talking about "woke" humor where he points out by 17m12s that: > people have a right to be offended; if you hear a comedian who, to you, is > offensive, and you storm out of the show, that's your right. Now saying, I need to > make sure that this person does not have a career is a step too far, generally > speaking. So I think both sides are wrong on this; I think the pendulum often > swings back and forth on this, in American history there was a time when blackface > was quite common on American stages and now it's, rightfully, not. You know, and > these things swing back and forth. He later says that "people have a right to hear that form of comedy" regarding transsexual comedy. Why would one have a right to hear Dave Chappelle's trans jokes but not anyone's blackface jokes? And shouldn't we evaluate the blackface jokes on the entire joke (as Camp recommends for the other jokes which offend causing them to leave the show)? It seems to me like a missed opportunity in the discussion. I take seriously Camp's objection to telling light or silly jokes about people in power (such as who fell over, who said a gaffe) instead of telling jokes that never threaten power. That's why I think Camp's "Redacted Tonight" show was the only late-night comedy show worth seeing. He didn't pull punches that every other late night comedy show I saw pulled. I also concur that Dave Chappelle has not been "cancelled" (which I take to mean establishment publisher shunning). I'd say the same for J.K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter books) and Ricky Gervais (standup comic) because: 1. They're all millionaires. Each of those artists have enough money to never have to work again. They each have so much money that they can pass on a life-changing amount of money to their inheritors. 2. They all make millions for the publishers they work with. Chappelle's specials make lots of money for Netflix (hence he gets more Netflix deals), similarly for Gervais (who has comedy specials and TV series as well), and publishers continue to purchase exclusive publishing rights on the next Harry Potter thing. This is hardly surprising considering how lucrative Harry Potter-based anything is. At no point during Rowling's alleged "cancellation" did they stop selling copies of Harry Potter movies, books, nor did they shut down the Harry Potter rides on account of said "cancellation". Leaving out Rowling from some TV special is about as spineful as her "cancellation" ever got.