[Peace-discuss] A couple of new programs to watch

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Tue Aug 1 06:56:42 UTC 2023

Aaron Maté interviewed John Mearsheimer: Ukraine war is a long-term danger

Glenn Greenwald
Wikipedia: From Democratized Knowledge to Left-Establishment Propaganda, w/ 
co-Founder Larry Sanger

I think that the Sanger interview was the weakest part of the show because Sanger is 
not skilled at speaking clearly and succinctly. I was also struck by how Sanger 
expressed the range of political expression (not being able to tell "if a Democrat or 
a Republican" wrote an article, seeing "both sides" of an issue represented), and a 
desire for article neutrality (I'm not sure such a thing is possible). These things 
strike me as typically American expression of the limits of political thought which 
is noteworthy particularly on a show such as Greenwald's where Greenwald makes it 
clear that both major political corporations agree on all of the most major issues of 
the day (chief among them: war). Sanger also doesn't have much to say beyond what is 
reported about him telling people never to use Wikipedia because Wikipedia has become 
co-opted by the permanent government powers. I also don't agree that other 
encyclopedias don't face a problem akin to Wikipedia, but I recognize that other 
encyclopedias are likely far less read since the web became popular so those other 
encyclopedias probably matter less to most computer users.

Tomorrow night's Greenwald show will include the analysis of standup comic Jim 
Gaffigan's appearance on Joe Rogan's show where (according to Greenwald) Rogan 
educated Gaffigan on what a malevolent force the FBI is (staging the Gov. Whitmer 
kidnapping, likely staging the Jan. 6 events, as a couple examples). Gaffigan 
reportedly said that he couldn't believe the FBI weren't a bunch of standup citizens 
defending our interests while Rogan laid out the case for seeing January 6 as just 
another FBI psy-op.

I haven't seen either Rogan's Gaffigan interview nor Greenwald's take on this. 
However I think I can guess that Gaffigan did express a Pollyannaish view of the FBI 
and I think I understand why Gaffigan would do that: Gaffigan, like most standup 
comics, is constantly auditioning to get in the establishment's good graces. The 
establishment has a lot of money to spend on propagandistic efforts sold as 
entertainment (I point you to every 'news comedy' show on TV since and including "The 
Daily Show" except for RT's former show "Redacted Tonight"). Achieving the reward 
that comes with establishment subservience requires demonstrating that one can be 
trusted by echoing establishment pieties. Joe Rogan's program is the most watched 
these days; Rogan is mainstream interviewing. Therefore Gaffigan had to not buy 
Rogan's view that it looks like J6 was riddled with FBI-connected people.

You won't find many comics challenging COVID policy, J6, 9/11, and so many other 
events of national importance despite the jokes to be had in each of them. Jimmy Dore 
has said that he appreciates the "wide lane" this leaves him to make such jokes in 
his comedy shows and specials (which he does: his latest special is called "Covid 
Jokes Are Funny" and his YouTube channel has excerpts from that show).

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