[Peace-discuss] Videos I recommend watching

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Mon Sep 18 00:49:55 UTC 2023

Hollywood’s Propaganda Factory
RT Documentary

This is a highly interesting piece covering modern US government and Hollywood WWII 
propaganda including:

- contemporary lies the White House is telling the world about who won World War II 
("...America and Great Britain had victory over the Nazis") with no mention of the 
USSR[1]. The euphemistically named US Dept. of Defense website[2] says: "The conflict 
began in 1939, when Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland", "...U.S. forces 
participated in the celebrations in France, a nation that had borne much of the brunt 
of the fighting", and "...those liberated in the East would be occupied for decades 
by Soviet forces".

[1] https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse45/status/1258842411524132865
[2] https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Experience/VE-Day/

- what Americans were shown in 1943's "Mission to Moscow" featuring depictions of 
Russians you couldn't show today for American propaganda to get Americans into the 
war. The ad for the movie is online at https://archive.org/details/MissionToMoscowTrailer

- "The North Star" (https://archive.org/details/TheNorthStarVideoQualityUpgrade has a 
good copy)

- Life magazine cover articles praising Stalin and the USSR.

The Duran

-- The Duran interviews Jeffrey Sachs

-- "Collective west refuses to admit Ukraine offensive has failed" discussion

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