[Peace-political] Tuesday Meeting has Moved

Elizabeth Cimsohn elizacorps at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 17 23:23:00 CST 2003

The meeting regarding Diedra Cobb's deployment has
been moved to the African American Cultural Program
(the Black House) located at the corner of Matthews
and Nevada in Champaign. (south east of the Illini

It will still be at 7pm tuesday the 18th.
See the previous message (below) for details.

Previous Announcement:

Attention Anti-War Activists:

Our friend Diedra Cobb, who used to live at the
Harvest House, has
received a call from her Army Reserve Unit to be
deployed to the Middle
East. She applied for discharge several weeks ago, and
has filed as a
conscientious objector, but the military is intent on
sending her 
Her deployment date is Thursday, so we should take
action ASAP. A small
group met with Diedra today and discussed potential
plans of action. We
decided to call the following meeting:

Please come and help us organize, especially if you
know about avoiding
military service. Also, those who set up the Friends
of Ahmed group would
likely be a valuable input. More details about the
situation will be
provided at the meeting.

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