[Peace] Springfield demo Tuesday

Kranich, Kimberlie Kranich at WILL.uiuc.edu
Sun Nov 25 23:09:53 CST 2001

We will be demonstrating at the State Capitol on Tuesday against proposed
repressive legislation known as House Bill 2299. This legislation could have
negative effects on all activists if passed.

We will leave from the parking lot between the Art Theater and the Great
Impasta PROMPTLY at 8am Tuesday morning. The demonstration begins at 10am at
the Rotunda in the State Capitol.  Rides provided.  

Posters and banner making and song rehearsal will be held from 7-8:30pm at
the IMC (218 W. Main in Urbana) Monday night (11/26).  Please spread the

I've also heard from a woman with the Women's International League for Peace
and Freedom in Springfield.  This group has been holding daily vigils on
Monday at noon on the Capitol Mall since before September 11!  She will let
her group know tomorrow about our action on Tuesday. 

For more details about HB 2299 and it effects on both peace and gay rights
advocates, please see press release below.  It was faxed to the Springfield
offices of the Chicago Tribune, News Gazette, Pantagraph, Herald & Review,
AP and Journal Register.


Press Advisory

Coalition of Groups to Protest
Proposed "Anti-Terrorism" legislation
With Sing-In

A coalition of activists will protest Attorney General Jim Ryan's
Anti-Terrorism bill (HB 2299) and its threats to civil liberties during a
sing-in at the Rotunda of the State Capitol at 10 am on Tuesday, November

House Bill 2299 is being opposed because it: 1) expands the power of state
and local law enforcement officials to monitor and record personal
communications while reducing judicial oversight of such investigations, 2)
expands the power of state and local authorities to seize property that law
enforcement officials "believe" is going to be used in a terrorist act
without requiring any level of criminal suspicion before the seizure takes
place, and 3) allows prosecutors to seek the death penalty under terrorism

"Democracy is the best antidote to terror.  HB 2299 is an anti-democratic
reactionary bill," said Danielle Chynoweth, co-founder of AWARE (Anti-war,
Anti-Racism).  "We know that terrorism has won when we compromise our civil
liberties in the name of defense." 

"In the name of war and political advancement, Attorney General Jim Ryan and
others are manipulating people's fears to push  legislation that threatens
the Bill of Rights and criminalize those who criticize our leaders and seek
social, political, and economic change through demonstrations and civil
disobedience," said Kimberlie Kranich, co-founder of the 85% Coalition, a
direct action group seeking civil rights protections for lesbians, gay men,
and bisexuals in Illinois. "If this bill becomes law, groups critical of
government practices could be accused of being terrorists."

At the sing-in, demonstrators will sing seasonal songs of peace, pass out
handbills about the bill's threats to all citizen's civil liberties, and
protest the bombing of Afghanistan.

Participants include members of the AWARE (Anti-Racism, Anti-War), Ladies
Against War and the 85% Coalition.

For more information, contact:  Kimberlie Kranich, 217-359-9884

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