[Peace] More Readable 7/27/03 Minutes

Carol McKusick cmck61801 at msn.com
Wed Jul 30 09:21:02 CDT 2003

I hope that you can see these plain text minutes easily with your e-mail 

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Minutes of 7/27/03 Meeting of Anti-War Anti-Racism Effort was attended by 
about 20 people. Peter Rohloff chaired.
1. Introductions
2. First 20 minutes was a Report from Muhammed Alheeti and Roaa Alheeti 
about what they are hearing from friends in Jordan and Iraq and family in 
Iraq and what they found on a visit to Iraq made just a few weeks ago. The 
Iraqis understand the cessation of protests around the world as being 
evidence that the demonstrations were paid for by Saddam. M. Alheeti called 
on the activist community in C-U to produce visible and audible protest to 
the end of getting U.S. army out. (Example of Columbia Missouri given for 
community trying harder.) Muhammed talked about the suffering for Iraqis and 
American troops in the current state of disorder and Roaa talked about 
economics of household--unavailability of water and power or any fuel. 
Shortly in Iraq there will be a homegrown conference of 50 groups inclusive 
of different ethnicities to think about bringing about order and democracy. 
There is already alot of volunteerism for directing traffic and other 
functions which a government would handle. M. Alheeti told that there are 
7,000 Iraqi civilian casualties established and the military casualties are 
not begun to be counted. The bodies have not been uncovered. Occupiers have 
stolen money (didn't get the figure) from the banks and have had to print 
more denars (sp?) still bearing picture of Saddam
After 12 minutes they took questions:
Carl E.: What will happen if the U.S. army withdraws? M. Alheeti: After a 
month or two of preparation Iraqis will get in control of the situation.
A man who had been liberated by Russian troops at the end of the second 
World War asked: Can the officers be distinguished? Roaa and M.: Didn't dare 
to look too much. There is so much fear that it is dangerous to go near the 
American soldiers. The country is floating with weapons.
Someone asked whether they have been questioned since returning from Iraq. 
No, they have not.
3. C. Estabrook gave News of the Week.  P. Rohloff told about demonstrators 
in Guatemala City opposed to Rios Montt being terrorized by paid thugs. Lois 
passed out an ariticle called "A Nation of Victims" from The Nation. Robert 
Dunn spoke of national mobilizations by United for Peace and Justice in 
early August around Hiroshima Day and in September against all occupations.
4. Working Group Reports:
Sharon Dorsey gave a Report of Small Group (Jan and Durl Kruze, Charlotte 
Green and IDF) organizing around a visit by Kathy Kelly September 29 and 
30:. They are thinking of co-sponsoring with WILL a town meeting style event 
(comparable to the one on civil rights July 2) to be held on campus. 
Panelists invited would be Kathy Kelly, Alheetis, a soldier or someone to 
give that perspective, and a representative from Senator Durbin's office.
Working Group for Tabling Farmer's Market (Jay): Presence is meaningful. The 
Paper asked to be at our table because of their article about Micah Ian 
Wright. Dave Green will set up and staff next Saturday, Aug. 2, at 8 a.m.. 
Volunteers would be helpful.
Labor Day Parade (Carol. Inskeep): Carol not here
Finance (Gabe Stanton): Balance is $2489.46 as of 7/2/03.
Conscientious Objector WG (Charlotte Green): Group is helping Deidre a woman 
from C-U garrisoned in North Carolina sue for co status. Paul King is 
arranging the legal support and Meg Miner is working on material support 
(monetary contributions) which will help her with (legal) expenses.
WG on Racism (L. Chason and R. Cotton):
Lisa Chason said that they are envisioning an event with David Roediger and 
Sundiata Cha-Jua (the people who Robert McChesney had on Media Matters July 
20). She asked about 3 p.m. on a Sunday before AWARE Meeting: how many would 
come to such? Show of hands indicated 10 people out 20. Will probably not be 
until 2nd week in September.
Randall Cotton presented a report covered on a handout--which he may be able 
to post to the list separately--about "Diversity Network" event on July 24 
which he and Lisa attended for the AWARE Racism Working Group. This was 
under City of Champaign. Included all kinds of organizations promoting 

Announcement of Potluck to Welcome Meredith Kruze back from Guatemala. It 
will be Sat.,  Aug. 9, at 2007 S. George Huff Drive, Urbana. Arrive 5 p.m.; 
serve 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Adrian (sp.?) distributed postcards that we can self address to give to 
Miriam Larson if we want to hear from her during the coming year that she 
will be in Bolivia. Meeting ended about 6:30 p.m.

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