[Peace] AWARE minutes 2-20-2005

David Green davegreen48 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 21 18:11:09 CST 2005

AWARE Minutes 2-20-2005

Facilitator: Bob Illyes
Minutes: David Green
Timekeeper: Rich Frazin

1. News of the Week: Carl Estabrook

2. Introductions: 15-20 present

3. New Ideas:

Recruitment—discussion of YMCA decision to allow
military recruiters to occupy front lawn. Jan Kruse
has kept track of the e-mails around this issue.

Danielle Schumacher, who is also a Y employee, says
this will be discussed at a future board meeting. 

Becca Guyette, Y Program Director, in an e-mail to Jan
Kruse: “the Exec Committee of the Y Board of Governors
has motioned to put a moratorium on all armed forces
recruiting at the Y until an agreement can be made
about who the Y should and should not rent to. This
motion will be decided on by the Board at their next
meeting, Wednesday, February 23rd.”

Susan Davis (not present) has pointed out that there
are lots of spaces on campus where the military does
recruiting—offices in the Armory, posters everywhere.
“It could also be pointed out that they practice
deceptive advertising.”

Kate Stepanski of Student Peace Action reports: “It is
not everyday you can discover ‘opportunities’ of the
ARMY on the front lawn of the University Y. But today
was such a day. You could also get a free keychain,
talk with an ROTC student, hear some rock blasting
from speakers, and win some tickets to a basketball
game. 101.7 (the Planet) and the ARMY paired up to
glamorize enlisting in the military. But why were they
allowed on the Y front lawn?”

There was a discussion about regarding this as a
freedom speech issue.

Bob Illyes stated that freedom of speech is about the
government restricting the people, not the people
restricting the government.

Carl Estabrook stated that if the 2 possibilities are
military speech and counter-military on the one hand,
versus no speech for either on the other hand, the
first is better.

Al Kagan stated that law schools have limited military
recruitment on the basis of their discrimination
against gays.

Randall Cotton would prefer that just AWARE and other
anti-recruitment advocates have an opportunity to
distribute information on the Y lawn.

Bob W. suggested that military recruitment be treated
like pornography.

Danielle mentioned the issue of the Y needing money.

Carol Inskeep stated that Mr. Broom, the vice-chair at
the Y, is a supporter of recruitment.

March 19th event: Al Kagan

There will be an event marking the anniversary of the
beginning of the Iraq War on March 19th, from 3-4
(Saturday) at the new 1 Main Building. We have applied
for a permit. There will be (perhaps) the Prince
Myshkins, and Iraqi speaker, Imani Bizzell, Fred
Spanos from Military Families Against the War
(Decatur). $150 was requested for support, which will
be voted on next week. The event will be co-sponsored
by the PRC, and perhaps the UPE.

4. Finances: $3142.21.

5. Obama/Durbin update: Obama voted for moving class
action lawsuits to federal courts, which is not
helpful. Durbin voted against it. Rich Frazin advised
that we check out the Public Citizen website for
sample letters and other information regarding this

This Friday, 2/25, noon at the Jerusalem Restaurant,
the Obama Watch working group will have a lunch

6. Danielle reported on the Forgiveness weekend, which
for the most part went well. There will be a tape
available shortly of some of the events. Cliff
Thornton spoke at the IMC at 1 on Sunday regarding
decriminalization of drugs—literature left over from
this meeting was distributed. Dan, a visitor to the
meeting, spoke about the issue of legalization versus
medicalization of drugs. Frank reported that a vote to
legalize limited amounts of marijuana possession for
medical purposes was voted down in the Illinois House
due to pressure from the federal drug czar, who
visited the legislature with his entourage. Naomi
Jakobsson succumbed to this pressure and voted against
the bill. As a result, there will be a concerted
effort to contact her when she is in her office on
Tuesday (2/22), 373-5000. She will have another chance
shortly to vote in favor of this bill.

Lisa Chason noted the excellent work that State rep
Constance Howard from Southeast Chicago (who spoke at
Forgiveness weekend) has been doing on this issue.

7. Upcoming:

Election day on Tuesday: good luck to Durl and Ricky,
in spite of their shady associations. 

County Board Meeting regarding phone issue, 2/24,
Thursday, 7 p.m., 1776 Washington, Brookens
Building—turnout is important.

Media Benjamin will be at Allen Hall on Tuesday, 2/22,
at 7:30.

CU Progressive event at Urbana Civic Center, Monday
2/28, 7:30, Robert Boone, David Roediger, Zohreh

March 1—Cuba update, Common Ground Food Coop, &7:30.

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