[Peace] Bill to allow discrimination based on felony conviction

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at ojctech.com
Mon Jan 31 14:52:39 CST 2005

<--  ACTION ALERT! -- please forward  -->

There is a bill in committee in the Illinois House that amends the
Landlord Tenant Act to allow landlords to discriminate against those with
felony convictions.

In Urbana, our Human Rights Ordinance prohibits discrimination based on 
prior felony conviction.  This bill would *pre-empt* our Urbana law, 
making it legal for Urbana landowners to discriminate.

People with felony convictions have paid their debt to society and should 
have all the rights and responsibilities of all citizens - including the 
right to vote, hold office, and live free of discrimination.

Interestingly enough, the New-Gazette made a similar argument in its 
editorial last Fall in support of Duane Northrup, the Republican candidate 
for County coroner (who won), who is also a convicted felon.  The Gazette 
editors argue that everyone deserves a second chance. 

Please contact your State Representative Naomi Jakobsson to notify 
her of this upcoming legislation and urge her to oppose this bill:

Rep. Naomi Jakobsson
206 N. Randolph Street Suite 120
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 373-5000 - home office number
(217) 558-1009 - capitol office number
n.jakobsson at worldnet.att.net
Also contact the sponsor of the bill, Chapin Rose.  He is not your 
representative, although he represents part of Champaign County:

Chapin Rose
1113 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 348-7673 Phone
(217) 348-7677 Fax

Permits a landlord to perform a criminal background check on any person
seeking to lease property from the landlord or sublease property from a
tenant of the landlord. Provides that the landlord may refuse to lease the
property or may refuse to allow the sublease if the criminal background
check of the person contains any felony convictions or indicates that the
person is a registered sex offender. Preempts home rule.

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