[Peace] 4th of July sign-making?! - was: 4th of July / AWARE's twist on the theme is "Celebrating the World's Youth" / help on the idea, please

Stuart Levy salevy at illinois.edu
Fri Jun 22 16:51:19 UTC 2012

July 4th is coming soon.  We have a bunch of ideas, not mutually 
exclusive, but we need to work on at least some of them.  Who has time?  
When would be good?

Some possible times -
    - Saturday afternoon, after Occupy demonstration (maybe 4:30 or 5)
    - Sunday afternoon, after AWARE (maybe 6:30)
    - Monday, after Occupy GA (maybe around 9pm)

Summary of ideas raised so far - at least in a quick scan of recent 
e-mail - if yours is not here, or you have another, please remind us!

  * Veterans marching solemnly, followed for contrast by
    tie-dyed/face-painted children playing together, with flowers. 
    Sign: "Keep our children free from war"

  * Sign: "How can the world's youth celebrate with us when we keep
    dropping bombs on them?"
    perhaps with

  * Recognizing groups of people, including young people, working for
    peace despite adversity, including the Afghan Youth Peace
    Volunteers, or groups of Israeli and Palestinian youth.  Not sure
    how best to show them - they're not household names - but very
    important ideas.   What can we show/say?
    Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers -- http://ourjourneytosmile.com/
    A nice picture, of young people in Afghanistan carrying a banner:
    "The People of Afghanistan Say No To War":

  * Blood and gore and stench and horror of war.   Caricatured Statue of
    Liberty with lurid dollar sign mask, scythe, "Why?".  etc.   See
    Wayne's note of 6/17, 5:24PM.

  * Cradle with baby doll, with (a frame holding) a mobile floating over
    the baby.  Mobile pieces would be words - things that threaten the
    child's future - WAR, POVERTY, HUNGER...  Associated signs, e.g.
    "(number) of the world's children died of malnutrition in 2010".

  * Vietnam-war-memorial-style "wall" of Illinois young people killed in
    the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, by year.  162 in Iraq, 79 in
    Afganistan, so far:


  * Child blasted by a drone attack

  * Stretcher bearing a child victim of war, or toys, or a doll...

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