[Peace] Coda: The Elephant Stampede

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 16 01:39:35 UTC 2016

Prof. Boyle, you missed your true calling of poet.

I did attend, so I will comment: Prof. Amar a Constitutional Law Prof. of
Yale was supposed to be speaking on the Constitution but it was Poli Sci 101
promoting his book and Hillary, as was expected.

Three people asked questions related to law and he not only
disparaged third parties but blamed Nader for Bush and the
wars. He talked about how awful Trump was, and how
“moderate” Hillary is and why we need her, he even mentioned Tammy Duckworth a local democratic candidate.

I asked him "how could he support
Hillary given her record as Sec. of State, responsible along
with Obama for the death and destruction, of the thousands of
people of Libya, Syria, Yemen, as well as Iraq.” continuing with
"having heard you speak yesterday on
NPR, how could you support our Constitutional Law Prof.
President, Obama, who has broken not only international law
but our laws, by extending the Bush wars to as many as eight
nations”.  Then said "I came here expecting a
conversation on “Freedom of Speech” instead I’m
hearing a promotion of Hillary and the democrats."

He responded with “your exercising your freedom of speech
and I’m exercising mine"

He defended the wars as “mistakes", referring to Gadafi as a dictator, with only five American people having died, emphasizing “only five”, as if the thousands of non Americans don’t matter.

It offered me, a Green, the opportunity to link up with the local Libertarians for future joint activities against war.

I hope we can prepare for the Oct. 28th speaking engagement of Harold Killer Koh, at the COL, with protests and enough media coverage to publicize the perfidy of these people who care so little about the lives they are responsible for destroying.

On Sep 15, 2016, at 18:11, Boyle, Francis A <fboyle at illinois.edu<mailto:fboyle at illinois.edu>> wrote:

Sorry I could not make it today over to our Bull-twaddling  panel on “free speech on campus” by our professional Illinois/Yale Law  bull-twaddlers from the Illinois/Yale Mafia Schools of Law. So I cannot make a comment on it.But in lieu thereof, and speaking of bull-twaddle  I thought I would send you this poem and coda  I wrote in honor of our Disgraced, Fired and ABA-sanctioned NeoCon Bull-Twaddling  Dean Hurricane Heidi Hurd. Ditto for our Disgraced, Fired and ABA-Sanctioned Illinois/Yale Law Mafia Bull-Twaddling  Dean Uncle Brucie Smith. Enjoy! Fab.

Ringling has now retired their elephants
No more krapping elephant stampedes
But our 2 krapping ex-Deans still remain
Stinking up the place
Alas! On both counts!

Krapping elephants amused me as a kid
But krapping ex-law-deans today do not
They should go stink up somewhere else
For both are all  krapped out here.
The Elephant Stampede

When I was a young boy
Every year with my Dad
We would go to see
The Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus
At the Old Amphitheater
Three Rings

At the end of the show
Came their famous elephant stampede
All the pachyderms would line up in a row
With scantily clad young women on top
And at the appointed time
With their trunks they would grasp
The tails of the elephants in front
And rumble around all 3 rings
Like an earthquake
The band played on
The girls riding bareback

But elephants are an incontinent lot
Pissing and crapping as they plodded along
So at the rear of each pach
Was a man dressed as a janitor
With a metal garbage can on wheelies
And a coal shovel.

So as each animal would crap
Its man would reach in with his shovel
And scoop it right out
And plop the poop in the can
Before the next elephant stomped on it
Magnificently choreographed for all to see
A Ballet of elephants and men and poop on a scoop

But every once in a while
The man could not get in there on time
And so the next elephant would stomp
On a dropped pile of shit
That would splat around the Old Amphitheater

I am reminded of this childhood spectacle
Now at the start of my 38th year here
At the college of law
After eleven years of Deans Hurd and Smith
Dropping their crap all around
These Ivy bedecked halls
In two separate scandals
One after the other

Up to our necks in their crap
Who is going to scoop it all  up?
Where are we going to put it?
Or will we just let it ferment?
As it wafts up our nostrils
As it has done all these years
Onward and upward
To our brains
Now fermented in  shit
For well over a decade.
Here’s to Deans Hurd and Smith
Long may they live
In the Annals of College of Law Shit


Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

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