[Peace] Flyer to be distributed at the AWARE anti-war demonstration on Saturday, 4 August, 2-4pm, at Main & Neil in downtown Champaign

C G Estabrook cgestabrook at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 01:01:58 UTC 2018

~ The U.S. is Illegally Making War in the Mideast ~ Pres. Trump: Bring U.S. Troops and Weapons Home ~

The U.S. military is today killing people in seven Mideast and African countries - Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan. Thousands of U.S. troops are fighting in these countries, although most Americans don’t know that. In addition, the 70,000-members of the U.S. ‘Special Operations Command’ are active in three-quarters of the countries of the world. Their activities include kidnapping (‘rendition’), torture, and murder.

{Map with flags marking U.S. military bases encircling Iran}

The U.S. government says that we’re fighting terrorism, but we are in fact creating terrorists - in response particularly to the drone assassinations, “the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times” (Noam Chomsky) - which have killed more than 5,000 people, including U.S. citizens and hundreds of children.

Since the Second World War ended in 1945, the U.S. has killed more than twenty million people in wars in Asia, the Mideast and Latin America to maintain world-wide economic control. The U.S. doesn’t need oil from the Mideast, but Mideast gas and oil are needed by America’s economic competitors in Europe and Asia, and so control over them gives the U.S. a major advantage over China, Germany, and other countries - a chokehold which benefits only the American economic elite, the one percent. For that purpose, the U.S. illegally invaded Iraq in 2003 and killed perhaps a million people, in the greatest crime of the century. The U.S. now has thousands of troops (and mercenaries) throughout the Mideast.

Those of us in AWARE, like other anti-war groups in the United States and around the world, call upon President Trump to
~ (1) establish a foreign policy based on negotiation, international law, and human rights;
~ (2) end U.S. wars in the Mideast and war provocations against Russia (in Eastern Europe) and China (in the South China Sea), and stop the drone assassinations;
~ (3) cut military spending by at least 50% and close the more than 800 U.S. military bases on foreign soil (Russia has a dozen; China has one); bring all U.S. troops (and weapons) home; 
~ (4) stop U.S. support for human rights abusers, notably Israel and Saudi Arabia; and
~ (5) lead on global nuclear disarmament.

ANTI-WAR ANTI-RACISM EFFORT - on Facebook at <AWARE of Champaign Urbana Illinois>
~ U.S. troops & weapons out of the Mideast 
~ Medicare for all 
~ Universal basic income ~

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