[Peace] Fwd: [unac] UNAC Statement on the Present Situation in Syria and more

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 7 23:55:00 UTC 2019


Click here to read this email in your browser<http://nepajac.org/unac_102419.html>

UNAC Statement on the Present Situation in Syria

The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) stands in solidarity with the long-suffering people of Syria.  We oppose all foreign occupation of Syrian territory.  Syria belongs to the Syrians.

The current Turkish incursion into northern Syria is in violation of Syrian sovereignty as has been the U.S. occupation.  Turkey has been an ally of the U.S. in its regime change program in Syria.  Both countries are in Syria against the wishes of the Syria government and have caused great destruction in the region. [read more<http://nepajac.org/unacstatementsyria.htm>]

Below are other statements on the present situation in Syria from some UNAC leaders and groups:
Interview with Ajamu Baraka<https://popularresistance.org/understanding-trumps-withdrawal-from-syria-and-advocating-for-peace-in-the-middle-east/>
From Veterans for Peace<https://www.veteransforpeace.org/our-work/position-statements/vfp-condemns-turkish-invasion-rojava>
From Popular Resistance<https://popularresistance.org/stop-the-turkish-invasion-of-syria-us-out-of-syria-and-the-middle-east/>
From Margaret Kimberly in Black Agenda Report<https://blackagendareport.com/freedom-rider-trump-obama-and-syria>
From U.S. Peace Council<https://uspeacecouncil.org/u-s-peace-council-statement-on-syria/>
From Sara Flounders in Workers World<https://www.workers.org/2019/10/44136/>
From Ajamu Baraka in Black Agenda Report<https://blackagendareport.com/syria-exposing-western-radical-collaboration-imperialism>
from Jeff Mackler in Couterpunch<https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/10/31/self-determination-for-syria-u-s-out-now/?fbclid=IwAR2vSzSqon1EoCsKj8XtuUvKDi-6YQzZus-jNxpzXqMV0PrQ9FibddxOmuo>

Take Action to Stop Sanctions

Sanctions (technically "unilateral coercive measures") imposed by the United States and its junior partners on countries such as Venezuela violate international laws. On November 14, the United Nations General Assembly's Second Committee (the Committee on Finances and the Economy) will vote on a resolution introduced by the Group of 77 + China that:
1. Urges the international community to adopt urgent and effective measures to eliminate the use of unilateral economic, financial or trade measures that are not authorized by relevant organs of the United Nations, that are inconsistent with the principles of international law or the Charter of the United Nations …;
2. Calls upon the international community to condemn and reject the imposition of the use of such measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries …;
To read the full text of the draft resolution click here<https://defendembassyprotectors.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/UN-Second-Committee-Resolution-Against-Sanctions.pdf?link_id=0&can_id=20323f195b0dcf18e0895c9556849f4e&source=email-urgent-call-to-action-support-the-un-resolution-against-economic-sanctions&email_referrer=email_624144&email_subject=urgent-call-to-action-support-the-un-resolution-against-economic-sanctions>
We are delivering a letter of support for the resolution to the United Nations and will have a delegation present for the vote. Click here to learn more.<https://peoplesmobe.org/>

* To read the letter and add the name of your organization, please CLICK HERE<https://peoplesmobe.org/531-2/?link_id=1&can_id=20323f195b0dcf18e0895c9556849f4e&source=email-urgent-call-to-action-support-the-un-resolution-against-economic-sanctions&email_referrer=email_624144&email_subject=urgent-call-to-action-support-the-un-resolution-against-economic-sanctions>.
* To read the letter and add your name as an individual, please CLICK HERE<https://peoplesmobe.org/petition-in-support-of-the-un-resolution-against-unilateral-coercive-measures/?link_id=2&can_id=20323f195b0dcf18e0895c9556849f4e&source=email-urgent-call-to-action-support-the-un-resolution-against-economic-sanctions&email_referrer=email_624144&email_subject=urgent-call-to-action-support-the-un-resolution-against-economic-sanctions>.

Free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning

Julian Assange appeared in a London court on Monday, October 21, 2019 and appeared in a state of physical and mental deterioration. Assange defied the U.S. government and, with the help of Chelsea Manning, revealed war crimes committed by the U.S. military.  According the Nils Melzer, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on torture, Assange displayed the signs of “progressively severe forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.”  Although there are presently no British charges against him, he is being held by the British government for extradition to the U.S. where he faces life in prison for “violation” of the Espionage Act, a law enacted over 100 years ago, which has never been used in this way, and certainly not directed at someone who is not a U.S. citizen.
The charges against Assange and his imprisonment is another attack on the rights of the media and free speech.
The U.S. tried to get information from Chelsea Manning that could be used to imprison Assange and teach a lesson to anyone who attempts to defy the United States but Manning has refused to cooperate with them and therefore been imprisoned in an attempt to get her to cooperate with their frame-up and torture of Julian Assange.  Chelsea Manning has proved herself to be a real hero of our movement.
Click here for an article by Craig Murray on the recent court appearance of Julian Assange  https://consortiumnews.com/2019/10/22/assange-displayed-signs-of-torture-in-courtroom-farce/
We urge all supporters of civil liberties and human rights to protest the imprisonment and attacks on Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning.  New York City has been holding weekly vigils<https://www.facebook.com/events/2504240559795425/>. Do one in your city.

Grayzone Editor Max Blumenthal Arrested
Another attack on freedom of the press!

Read the Grayzone report here<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/29/grayzone-editor-max-blumenthal-arrested/>

Free the Plowshars 7
On October 21, the trial of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7 began in Brunswick, Georgia. A year a half before, on April 4, 2018, this group of seven Catholic peace activists had entered the Kings Bay military facility—which stores much of the US government’s Trident nuclear arsenal—in St. Marys, Georgia. They spray-painted messages on walls and sidewalks, spilled small bottles of their own blood, and hammered on the monuments to nuclear weapons that had been erected at the base. The Kings Bay Plowshare 7 have now been found guilty and face long prison sentences.  These people who put their freedom on the line for peace are found guilty but those who conduct wars, order sanctions that kill, attack other countries and order  bombing that kills thousands are considered heroes by this imperialist distorted society.
If you would like to help the Kings Bay Plowshare 7 please go to their web site sign the petition, see what you can do to help, and spread the word about this miscarriage of justice.

Save the date
UNAC's national conference will be held in New York City at the People's
 Forum, February 21 - 23
Rise Against Militarism, Racism and the Climate Crisis - Building Power Together

To register:  https://www.unacconference2020.org/registration/

To place an ad in the conference program journal: https://www.unacconference2020.org/program-ads/

  for more information: UNACpeace at gmail.com<mailto:UNACpeace at gmail.com>


Now more than ever we all need to unite.  If your organization is not a member of UNAC, please join us by clicking here: https://www.unacpeace.org/join.html

Read the UNAC Blog
Some recent posts:

  *   U.S. Anti-war Movement Should Stay Focused on Getting U.S. Out Of Syria<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/27/u-s-anti-war-movement-should-stay-focused-on-getting-u-s-out-of-syria/>
     *    Sara Flounders (Workers World/International Action Center)
  *   Trident is the Crime<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/27/trident-is-the-crime/>
     *   Kathy Kelly (Voices for Creative NonViolence)
  *   Assange Displayed Signs of Torture in Courtroom Farce<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/27/assange-displayed-signs-of-torture-in-courtroom-farce/>
     *   Craig Murray (Consortium News)
  *   Plowshares 7 Guilty! An Account of the Trial<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/26/plowshares-7-guilty-an-account-of-the-trial/>
     *   Ralph Hutchison (World Beyond War)
  *   On Eve of Trial Judge Limits Plowshares’ Seven Defense<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/22/on-eve-of-trial-judge-limits-plowshares-seven-defense/>
     *   Press Release, Plowshares 7
  *   Millions Say: Change the System, Not the Climate!<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/24/millions-say-change-the-system-not-the-climate/>
     *   Jeff Mackler (Socialist Action)
  *   US Has Backed 21 of the 28 ‘Crazy’ Militias Leading Turkey’s Brutal Invasion of Northern Syria<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/21/us-has-backed-21-of-the-28-crazy-militias-leading-turkeys-brutal-invasion-of-northern-syria/>
     *   Max  Blumenthal (Grayzone)
  *   China Celebrates Revolution’s 70 Years<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/21/china-celebrates-revolutions-70-years/>
     *   Sara Flounders (Workers World)
  *   Behind Hong Kong’s Black Terror<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/21/behind-hong-kongs-black-terror/>
     *   Pepe Escobar (Asia Times)
  *   The United States Air Force at Incirlik, Our National “Black Eye”<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/21/the-united-states-air-force-at-incirlik-our-national-black-eye/>
     *   Voices for Creative Nonviolence (Brian Terrell)
  *   Sam Husseini: The Entire US Establishment Helped Lie Their Way into the Iraq War<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/18/sam-husseini-the-entire-us-establishment-helped-lie-their-way-into-the-iraq-war/>
     *   Slava Dilber and Sam Husseini (American Herald Times)
  *   U.S., NATO, Turkey out of Syria!<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/17/u-s-nato-turkey-out-of-syria/>
     *   Sara Flounders (IAC/Workers World)
  *   Ecuadoran President Retreats, then Arrests Political Leaders<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/16/ecuadoran-president-retreats-then-arrests-political-leaders/>
     *   Michael Otto, Zoila Ramirez (Workers World)
  *   U.S. Peace Council Statement on Turkish Incursion into Syria<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/15/u-s-peace-council-statement-on-turkish-incursion-into-syria/>
     *   US Peace Council
  *   Ecuador: Moreno’s Government Sacrifices The Poor To Satisfy The IMF<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/15/ecuador-morenos-government-sacrifices-the-poor-to-satisfy-the-imf/>
     *   Wilma Salgado ( Council on Hemispheric Affairs)
  *   General Strike Rocks Ecuador<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/10/general-strike-rocks-ecuador/>
     *   Michael Otto, Zoila Ramirez (Workers World)
  *   South Korea’s GSOMIA Withdrawal Opens the Door to a New Peace Paradigm in East Asia<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/10/south-koreas-gsomia-withdrawal-opens-the-door-to-a-new-peace-paradigm-in-east-asia/>
     *   Jeremiah Kim (ZoomInKorea)
  *   Solidarity on Ending Illegal Sanctions on Zimbabwe<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/10/solidarity-on-ending-illegal-sanctions-on-zimbabwe/>
     *   Amadi Ajamu (Workers World)
  *   Venezuela’s CITGO in Danger as Maduro Seeks Debt Renegotiation<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/08/venezuelas-citgo-in-danger-as-maduro-seeks-debt-renegotiation/>
     *   Venezuelanalysis and Lucas Koerner (Venezuelanalysis Editors)
            Jeff Mackler for U.S. President! Rally Launches Socialist Campaign<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/27/jeff-mackler-for-u-s-president-rally-launches-socialist-campaign/>
                    by David Reihle
        Trump Shifts from Ending “Forever Wars” to Sending Tanks into Syria’s Oil Fields<https://unac.notowar.net/2019/10/27/trump-shifts-from-ending-forever-wars-to-sending-tanks-into-syrias-oil-fields/>
                    by Bill VanAuken

Please make a contribution to  UNAC:  https://www.unacpeace.org/donate.html
If your organization would like to join the UNAC coalition, please click here: https://www.unacpeace.org/join.html

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