[Peace] US push for war

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Mon Jan 27 10:02:31 UTC 2020


What this testifies to is the split between Trump's populism (opposed to the pro-war and pro-austerity policies of the last and previous administrations) and the establishment's push for war in the Mideast, to deter Eurasian economic development (China-Russia-Iran), seen as a threat to the profits of the US 1%.

Bolton of course is a vicious neocon.


[On the US push for war with Iran, see <https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/01/24/aftermath-the-iran-war-after-the-soleimani-assassination/>:

'...Iran will try its best to avoid all-out war. The U.S. will not. This is the war that, as the NYT reports, “Hawks in Israel and America have spent more than a decade agitating for.” It will start, upon some pretext, with a full-scale U.S. air attack on Iran, followed by Iranian and allied attacks on U.S. forces and allies in the region, including Israel, and then an Israeli nuclear attack on Iran—which they think will end it. It is an incomprehensible disaster. And it’s becoming almost impossible to avoid.

'The best prospect for stopping it would be for Iran and Russia to enter into a mutual defense treaty right now. But that’s not going to happen. Neither Russia nor China is going to fight for Iran. Why would they? They will sit back and watch the war destroy Iran, Israel, and the United States.’


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