[Peace] "Remote Killing" -- new CGTN documentary on drone warfare, links & commentary on "National Bird" documentary

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sat Aug 20 16:37:39 UTC 2022

A new killer drone documentary was released, this one called "Remote Killing" from 
CGTN, China Global Television Network.

A former U.S. drone operator in Afghanistan admits to hating himself

CGTN documentary 'Remote Killing' promo - Drone strikes equal to human tragedies

CGTN documentary 'Remote Killing' released

The first is a clip from the documentary, the second is an ad featuring more clips 
from the documentary, and the third is the full documentary.

I highly recommend the movie "National Bird" as well which covers the same topic.

"National Bird" documentary (English)

This documentary features Daniel Hale who was recently convicted and sentenced for 
the information he shared about the drone program. His segment begins around 7 
minutes into this version of the documentary.

This documentary also features a critique rebutting former Hawaiian Congressional 
representative Tulsi Gabbard's supportive position on drones but said two years 
before (perhaps a "prebuttal"?):

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard from 

> So, with these terrorist cells, for example, yes, I do still believe that the
> right approach to take is these quick strike forces, surgical strikes, in and out,
> very quickly, no long-term deployment, no long-term occupation to be able to get
> rid of the threat that exists and then get out and the very limited use of drones
> in those situations where our military is not able to get in without creating an
> unacceptable level of risk, and where you can make sure that you’re not causing,
> you know, a large amount of civilian casualties.
Heather Linebaugh served in the United States Air Force from 2009 until March 2012. 
Her bio in The Guardian says she worked in intelligence as an imagery analyst and 
geo-spatial analyst for the drone program during the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Two years before Rep. Gabbard said the above Heather Linebaugh said the following in 
"National Bird":

> Hearing politicians speak about drones being precision weapons, being able to make
> 'surgical strikes', to me it's completely ridiculous, completely ludicrous to even
> make those statements. It's as flawed as it can be with those people operating it
> from across the world. If they really think they can send a bomb through a window
> of a compound and hit one militant then why are we seeing so many civilians die of
> collateral damage? I'd like to ask those politicians have they not been notified
> of that? Do they not know what's going on in their own war that they're 
> controlling?
Linebaugh is also the author of:

"I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on" 

"National Bird" documentary with German dubbing

National Bird Director and Producer Sonia Kennebeck

National Bird | Panel | Berlinale 2016

I recommend seeing or downloading these while you can. YouTube is highly censorious 
and has a track record of blocking access to videos and blocking accounts which post 
material that challenges Western establishment propaganda. YouTube does this even 
years after the videos are posted.

I plan to include the "National Bird" and "Remote Killing" documentaries in the next 
batch of recommended videos for UPTV. If someone sees those videos I recommend 
actually play on UPTV, please post about that to peace-discuss. It would be good for 
me to know that these recommendations are being shown.

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