[Peace] Tech censorship, virtue signaling, and being "deeply saddened" about Ukraine in an empire-compatible way

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sun Mar 13 05:05:57 UTC 2022

I wrote:
> YouTube no longer hosts RT's channels at least for US visitors.

I got this wrong -- this ban is now global per 

And Meta (formerly Facebook) is saying that some language endorsing violence is okay 
(thus violating its former rules) -- words of violence against some Russians. Jimmy 
Dore recently covered this as well in 

And DuckDuckGo is rendering itself irrelevant as Dore also covered in 
https://rumble.com/vx5y84-duckduckgo-destroys-brand-by-embracing-censorship.html ; 
apparently DDG will downrank "Russian disinformation". Nobody (not even DDG) can 
define what exactly constitutes "Russian disinformation" because that definition will 
change. And leave it up to the disinformers at the New York Times to claim that "The 
far right complains after the search engine DuckDuckGo vows to limit Russian 
propaganda." in 
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/11/technology/duckduckgo-russia-disinformation.html . 
Actually, lots of DDG users are complaining. And since when is the "far right" bad? 
That's the phrase the NYT uses to talk about the group formerly described as Nazis, 
the US partners in Ukraine, the Azov Battalion. Don't worry -- this disinformation 
isn't being downranked.

Consider the following search engines instead:

- Startpage -- https://startpage.com/

I've seen 
as well and I see no corresponding notice about Startpage being "deeply saddened by 
the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine" when the US was backing a coup there and 
helping install Nazis in the Ukrainian government. Or 8 years of shelling the people 
of the Donbas. I take Startpage's blog post to be virtue signaling from people who 
don't appear to have any history of this conflict dating back further than 2 weeks. 
But they haven't said that they'll change the ranking of links based on the content 
or origin of the link.

- SearXNG instances -- https://searx.space/

This is a very interesting project where your search terms are checked on multiple 
(over 70 now) search services, then aggregated and the results are fed to you. There 
are a lot of instances of this search engine and I'm looking for one that doesn't 
require Javascript (as, sadly, the https://searx.space/ page does).

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