[Peace] Incomplete list of local ceasefire groups

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 03:45:57 UTC 2024

Dear Peace,

For those who are interested, there are several "cease fire" groups in CU:
* a local UC Jews for Ceasefire chapter that has launched in the last few weeks
* the CU Muslim Action Committee is also getting started,
* the Prairie Liberation Center Alliance is growing as well. 
* a coalition that is organizing educational/ conversation events
* various groups of student (Students for Justice in Palestine as an example) and faculty organizing on campus, including labor unions, that have statements
* Party for Socialism and Liberation Champaign-Urbana
* also all the wonderful individuals locally who are learning, making calls, and showing up in whatever capacity they can.

Cease fire now.
Karen Medina

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