[PeoplesPotluck] tonight's planning meeting - 7pm, IMC

Wed Apr 8 15:28:11 CDT 2009

I would also like to suggest that we consider posting all future meeting
times for the Social Forum planning group as well as the monthly Peoples
Potlucks, including the Social Forum, in the News-gazoo’s Accent, under the
Calendar section, which comes out in the paper as well as being distributed
on Wednesdays to all residences that do not subscribe to the paper. There
are many people involved to one degree or another with this operation who
are out of the loop and do not belong to the various email lists or are not
being notified via the various contact lists that we have been generating.
They have no knowledge of what is going on, what meetings are being held,
when, where or of any changes that may take place since the last event or
meeting that they came to.  Our outreach with respect to keeping people
informed and up to date is terrible and might just alienate some of those
who signed up but have never been contacted or informed of upcoming meetings
and events in a timely manner.


Things such as Accent are free; they only take someone investing the time to
contact the News-Gazoo.  The same could be done vis-à-vis the Buzz and ETC.
How about contacting Channel 15; many organizations have appeared on there
with Quick the weatherman ( or whatever his name is) to announce events,
fund raisers, etc. in special public affairs spots.  I assume these are done
for free.


From: peoplespotluck-bounces at lists.chambana.net
[mailto:peoplespotluck-bounces at lists.chambana.net] On Behalf Of Ricky
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 2:27 PM
To: Peoples Potluck
Subject: [PeoplesPotluck] tonight's planning meeting - 7pm, IMC


Not just a reminder ;-)


I want to suggest a couple of things for our agenda, as well as requesting
that we be more mindful of time.


1. cosponsorships - many and varied, to be listed on flyers, posters, etc. -
see also #2 -

- and Barbara has some thoughts on publicity

2. fundraising - lots of it - we need it for the IMC and for publicity, etc.
It's easy, it's fun, and it's what organizers do.

-we should also apply for this immediately :
http://www.ildisciplesfoundation.org/grants.html - through JWJ would be

I think we have a lot of good stuff available for this event - which means a
full agenda in the good sense. 




"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn 


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