[Radical-cheerleaders] resist...

Cordelia Loots-Gollin lootsgol at uni.uiuc.edu
Tue Apr 20 20:53:16 CDT 2004

hello everybody,

according to inside sources, the pro-chief forces are organizing a "cook
out" to apologize to the people that work in swanlund (the chancellor's
building) on thursday. i think it'll probably be around noon. but i'm not

i dont know what you wanna do about this (if anything), maybe just show up
wearing anti-chief stuff to show opposition or something...
but be aware that the police (since the occupation) are now in swanlund.

if you have no idea what the hell i mean by all this stuff, i can explain
later. or ask someone at the u of i. or read the d.i. or... something.



.deli is in a spice.
A mentsh tracht un Got lacht

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