[rfu-automation] Written PSAs

Noel L. Vivar nlvivar at fastmail.fm
Thu Mar 8 23:31:33 CST 2007

Well, here are a few ideas that I want to put out there, in no 
particular order:

As far as I know, from what little research i've done, there is no 
specific requirement from the FCC to make PSAs.

However, I am sure that they do look favourably upon the station making 
PSAs in the case we ever need anything from them (e.g. licensing 
renewals, power licensing upgrades, etc).

In addition, the history behind FCC licensing broadcasting and the 
low-power licenses especially, is the "for the public good" requirement. 
WRFU will have to decide as a station, how it wants to operate "for the 
public good" (if there really is no FCC regulation). To me, that would 
mean that WRFU is an open forum that serves the community by making 
intermittent announcements about events and awareness.

I think that at the last station that I worked at, the station made an 
exception for shows like yours. Typically, DJs (or "radio 
personalities") had to make PSAs at 15 mins past and 15 mins before each 
hour. (We also made station IDs at the top of and 30 mins past each our, 
for self-promotional activities) However, for continuous mix shows like 
yours, the station dropped the requirement to the beginning and end of 
each show. (They still required the 2 station IDs each hour.) They 
figured that if everyone was doing 2 PSAs each hour, we more than made 
up for the few PSAs missed each week by continuous mix shows.

I'm not saying that we need a formal policy like this, but it's just an 
idea. I know that I try to announce PSAs whenever there are ones in that 
box, just so that WRFU is a responsible, active member of the community.

Just my 2 cents. -N

** siriusrising*** wrote:
> i don't like the idea of having to stop whatever i'm doing to have to 
> read a PSA. i frequently do dj mixes and performances that involve 
> non-stop music. in fact, i don't even stop the music for the station ID, 
> i come in over the top  of it! i guess my point is,  my listeners(for 
> one) expect it to be a non-stop 2 hours of music! i would imagine that 
> interrupting what we are doign to read a PSA is going to upset certain 
> listeners and possible patrons/contributors of the radio station.
> just my thoughts
> eric young
> electric koolaid wed noon-two
> friction radio mon 9pm-11pm
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Noel L. Vivar
505 E. Clark St., Apt. 24
Champaign, IL 61820-4420

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