[rfu-automation] Re: RFU Automation Updates - 12 Feb 2009

Joe Futrelle futrelle at shout.net
Fri Feb 13 14:44:17 CST 2009

OK I'll need to slightly modify my code to include the size of the file on
each line. That should be no problem.

Right now the code is a Perl script which is not suitable for use by
nonprogrammer volunteers. I can easily build a Java application with a user
interface so we can make it a point and click type of operation where the
user selects an iTunes playlist from a drop-down box and then it'll generate
the Zara version and save it in the right place.

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Stephen Fonzo <fonzo.stephen at gmail.com>wrote:

> That's a good idea; I've attached the most recent playlist - good luck and
> thanks for trying this, Joe.
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Joe Futrelle <futrelle at shout.net> wrote:
>> All bets are off on smart playlists, but it's not impossible to write code
>> to convert other iTunes playlists into Zara playlist files. IIRC a Zara
>> playlist is just a list of pathnames. Can you attach a Zara playlist file to
>> a response and I can see if some of my existing playlist-extraction code
>> that I use at home could be adapted to this task?
>> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Stephen Fonzo <fonzo.stephen at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Correction:
>>> You actually cannot drag smart playlists or any playlists from iTunes to
>>> Zara; exporting does not work smoothly either, because iTunes generates .txt
>>> and.xml files and Zara uses .pls and .lst extensions.  If anyone else on
>>> this list knows a work around, let me know.
>>> For now, this means I will be recompiling the Zara "local artists" list
>>> from scratch, dragging from the G:\iTunes directory (only those albums and
>>> songs that iTunes can confirm to be local and clean).
>>> When new music is added, it has to dragged from its actual file location
>>> on the G: drive, not the iTunes window.
>>> I hope this makes sense to others and not just me... let me know if you
>>> have questions.
>>> -Stephen
>>> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Stephen Fonzo <fonzo.stephen at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> I checked the logs, and found the following:
>>>> 22:00:09    start    G:\iTunes\Broken Day (local)\Broken Day\06
>>>> Radio.mp3
>>>> 22:02:56    start    G:\iTunes\Treologic (Chicago)\Thank You, Lenny\01
>>>> Live Montage.mp3
>>>> I listened to both and could not discern profanity (not that it isn't
>>>> there; I just couldn't really tell).  However, I noticed that neither are
>>>> labeled [clean] after title or album name.
>>>> So, we have two tasks that MUST be done by the RFU Automation group:
>>>> A) Go through and check and re-label all existing songs in the iTunes
>>>> library.
>>>> B) Update Zara's playlist each time new music is added, checked, or
>>>> edited.
>>>> Clearly the Zara playlist is not being filtered through (local) and
>>>> [clean] the way it should.  In the Automation handbook, the instructions for
>>>> updating the Automation's Music Library have been as follows:
>>>> 1) When adding new mp3 to iTunes, type "(local)" after artist name if
>>>> the artist is local (this generally means Champaign-Urbana, outlying small
>>>> towns, Springfield, and Chicago (if the artist has a connection to C-U)).
>>>> Type "[clean]" after the song name if you have checked that it does not
>>>> contain profanity, and after the album name ONLY if this is true for the
>>>> whole album.
>>>> 2) iTunes will automatically filter the songs into its "**LOCAL AND
>>>> CLEAN" playlist.
>>>> 3) Once you are ready to update Zara's music playlist, empty the current
>>>> playlist in the righthand side of the Zara window (this won't always be
>>>> necessary, but it is right now because people have not been filtering the
>>>> playlist properly).  Now drag "**LOCAL AND CLEAN" from iTunes to the Zara
>>>> playlist window.  Save as a new playlist to the folder "G:\ZaraRadio
>>>> files\ZaraRadio Playlists," and PLEASE add a date to the name.
>>>> Please note that Alex Svec and Maggie Taylor wrote and compiled a new
>>>> Automation and Music Library manual in December; this is available as an
>>>> electronic document and is also in the Production Room for the time being.
>>>> It is imperative that we update our Automation on all fronts - 1) NEW
>>>> local music; 2) checked music (marked local and clean when appropriate); 3)
>>>> and PSAs, IDs, pre-recorded shows.  I don't know that anyone beyond Maggie
>>>> and Alex has really worked on general improvements to the Music Library;
>>>> instead, we've had semi-active members add individual albums or songs in a
>>>> patchwork fashion, without properly labeling, checking, or updating the
>>>> playlist items.
>>>> -Stephen
>>>> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Andrew Ó Baoill <andrew at funferal.org>wrote:
>>>>> Can someone in the automation group access the system (either remotely
>>>>> or by visiting the production room), check the log (Zara has comprehensive
>>>>> logs of what played when), and remove that song from the local automation -
>>>>> the easiest way to do that is to edit the song title, in iTunes, to remove
>>>>> the word 'clean' from the title.
>>>>> If you can deal with this, please post a message to the list. I'd
>>>>> appreciate if the automation group could, at its next meeting, agree a
>>>>> process for dealing with these issues promptly, and perhaps for checking
>>>>> through existing songs that we've marked as 'clean' previously, as at least
>>>>> 2 (at this point) have slipped through the net.
>>>>> I'd appreciate if someone could check how the Zara library is
>>>>> generated, to make sure it is indeed only capturing local/clean music (and
>>>>> that it is adding new tracks as they are added/processed in iTunes).
>>>>> Andrew
>>>>> On Feb 11, 2009, at 12:00 PM, rfu-automation-
>>>>> request at lists.chambana.net wrote:
>>>>>  Send rfu-automation mailing list submissions to
>>>>>>        rfu-automation at lists.chambana.net
>>>>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>>>>>        http://lists.chambana.net/cgi-bin/listinfo/rfu-automation
>>>>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>>>>>        rfu-automation-request at lists.chambana.net
>>>>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>>>>>        rfu-automation-owner at lists.chambana.net
>>>>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>>>>> than "Re: Contents of rfu-automation digest..."
>>>>>> Today's Topics:
>>>>>>  1. Automation swearing (Noel L. Vivar)
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Message: 1
>>>>>> Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 22:14:03 -0600
>>>>>> From: "Noel L. Vivar" <nlvivar at gmail.com>
>>>>>> Subject: [rfu-automation] Automation swearing
>>>>>> To: Tech WRFU <rfu-tech at lists.chambana.net>,    WRFU Automation
>>>>>>        <rfu-automation at lists.chambana.net>
>>>>>> Message-ID:
>>>>>>        <c3649b070902102014l1b3cf906g7e9c2f81744abb6d at mail.gmail.com>
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>>>>> Just a quick note: At 10:02 a song said "f*ck", which I guess is ok
>>>>>> since it's after 10pm, but automation did not play the disclaimer.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Noel L. Vivar
>>>>>> 505 E. Clark St., Apt. 24
>>>>>> Champaign, IL 61820-4420
>>>>>> 630.740.5775
>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> rfu-automation mailing list
>>>>>> rfu-automation at lists.chambana.net
>>>>>> http://lists.chambana.net/cgi-bin/listinfo/rfu-automation
>>>>>> End of rfu-automation Digest, Vol 34, Issue 3
>>>>>> *********************************************
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> rfu-automation mailing list
>>>>> rfu-automation at lists.chambana.net
>>>>> http://lists.chambana.net/cgi-bin/listinfo/rfu-automation
>>>> --
>>>> Stephen Fonzo
>>>> Media Training Advisor
>>>> AmeriCorps CTC VISTA
>>>> Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center
>>> --
>>> Stephen Fonzo
>>> Media Training Advisor
>>> AmeriCorps CTC VISTA
>>> Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> rfu-automation mailing list
>>> rfu-automation at lists.chambana.net
>>> http://lists.chambana.net/cgi-bin/listinfo/rfu-automation
>> --
>> Joe Futrelle
>> Person
> --
> Stephen Fonzo
> Media Training Advisor
> AmeriCorps CTC VISTA
> Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center

Joe Futrelle
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