[rfu-automation] Drive-by PSA

Jacob Barton udderbot at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 17:26:54 CDT 2009

Cleaned the old PSA's out of automation, including the one telling people
that our TV's were going to switch to digital.

Yesterday some folks came in from the IDREAM Coalition at U of I to drop off
some posters for a rally next week.  They wondered about PSA's and I said
well you can record one right now if you wanna write a script.  We recorded
on Rosa, with a microphone stretching into the soon-to-be sonic isolation
booth, now a rather echoey but quiet space.  Later they sent me some
background music.  The whole thing, all the way to putting it on wrfu.net,
took an hour of my time.  Drive-by PSA's, I'll call 'em.  This is a neat
thing, and as close to "independent media making" as some folks have
gotten.  I would be interested in extending the invitation to make PSA's to
a wider variety of community groups, and in getting a wider variety of RFU
people interested in doing this sort of thing for/with them.


Meanwhile, do read this PSA this week, which is the only week it's up.  You
can also go to the current PSA's page on wrfu.net and, if you're logged in,
download/play the mp3 of what we made.

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