[rfu-membership] Forms That We Need

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 5 22:22:38 CST 2007

At last Sunday's meeting, we put finalizing revisions of the IMC 
membership form to accomodate RFU needs on the agenda for the Nov. 18 

Tanya's question about who her partner is also brings up something else. 
We've always had trouble keeping track of who's who versus each show. I 
don't think we've ever had anything other than the original show 
proposal form to keep track of these. Does anyone know of a hard copy 
file of these that exists? We should have one, even if there is an 
electronic file somewhere. If an electronic file exists, we should print 
it out and work from there.

If we need to come up with such a form -- "Show Data Form" or whatever 
-- we should add that to the list list of "to dos." Then these should go 
into the file in the safe for reference.

It's bad enough when we can't keep track of who's on which show, but 
when those on the show themselves don't know...
Mike Lehman

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