[rfu-membership] Re: membership form a puzzlement

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 9 10:54:12 CDT 2007

Hi Lavana,
I've cc-ed Joy, IMC-Finance and RFU-Membership so that we get additional 
input and you have Joy's address

I think this is the link where you can find the link to the membership form:

Yes, this is a very outdated form. The IMC Outreach group has not been 
active since before we moved into the building, so it's address at the 
bottom of the form should be changed to something more current and useful.

What RFU needs on an updated form, besides a spot to designate the RFU 
membership donation, is the following info:
email address (to be used to add the new member to the RFU-station list 
and to one RFU working group)
RFU-Finance, -Membership, -Tech, -Automation, -Outreach (to designate 
the working group the new member wishes to join)

I think that covers everything RFU needs to add, but let's run it by 
RFU-Membership again to confirm. I think we should start adding ALL new 
RFU members to the RFU-Station list, but people may want to discuss this 
further. I know we wanted to add new members to at least one RFU working 
group email list.

I may not be at the IMC-Finance meeting this Thursday, but once we get 
something that fits the concerns of RFU-Membership, then we can propose 
the changes to IMC-Finance. One way to do this is to use a smaller font 
for this info, if needed to make it fit. As long as we can make it fit 
reasonably well, I don't think there's any problem with updating the 
form, as it is so clearly out of date.

Once we have an updated IMC membership form everyone has reviewed, then 
Dan can replace the old one at the link above with the new one.
Mike Lehman

> At any rate, I decided to do it this way.  I am sending you a scanned 
> copy of the form that Joy printed off for me.  It does exist.  My 
> suggestion would be an indented  line directly under the RFU 
> membership ($20 for UCIMC members) asking --
> Which RFU working group are you interested in working with
> check all that apply
> Membership, Finance, Technical, etc.  you can list them better than I can.
> Then below that including the spot to check for key deposit, and other.
> It would scrunch the form a bit more, but perhaps there is room.
> Lavana

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