[rfu-membership] meeting attendance proposal

RANDALL R HAWKINS lrhawkins at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 2 17:04:39 CST 2008

One of the membership requirements is that at least one member of each program group attend at least one meeting each month.  Meeting attendance is being tracked this year, to make it easier for each program group to see how they are dong. We also hope that by actually tracking the meeting attendance, we will be able to see if this requirement is sufficient to maintain an active membership and accomplish the work that needs done.  Somehow we missed passing around the membership attendance sheet at the first meeting in October.  Everyone present signed at our second meeting, and we are using that as our starting point.
I would like to suggest that the Membership and Training group submit a proposal at the upcoming General Meeting concerning meeting attendance.  Currently the wording of the meeting attendance requirement is that one general meeting must be attended each month.  Program Gropus also need to be active with a working group, however attending a working group meeting does not count towards the meeting attendance requirement.  We would like to suggest that each working group, I believe they are Membership and Training, Automation, Outreach, Finance and Technical, choose one or two jobs that could be done for Meeting Attendance credit.  In the past some things that have been given meeting attendance credit have been, working at the Farmer's Market Booth, printing t-shirts, working on a project in the studio, etc.  We suggest that each working group come up with a couple of jobs to suggest at the next general meeting that would earn meeting attendance
 credit.  The general membership would then approve these jobs.  Each working group would then be responsible for sending in the names of those to recieve credit in any given month.  
Currently, I have the excell spreadsheet that the meeting attendance is being tracked on.  The sheet has been set up so that anyone looking at it will be able to see the total number of meetings that any group has attended during the year, and the percent of months that a meeting has been attending, as well as how many meetings have been attended each month. If any group attends more than one meeting a month, or also works on a job recieving credit, they will have a percent over 100. The spreadsheet will be posted as a google doc so that it can be available to the station manager, Andrew, and a few others involved in maintaining it simultaneously.  The plan is that, beginning at the end of November, monthly report will be sent out.
Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
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