[Rfu-station] Streaming/Archiving/Podcasting all up...

rfu-station at lists.chambana.net rfu-station at lists.chambana.net
Thu Dec 14 22:03:43 CST 2006

A huge thanks to Andrew Morton and anyone else who put any work into
the Drupal Staion Module that we now have working nicely on our
website.  If you haven't checked out the new site yet... go do it as
there are major improvements in functionality and design with more in
both areas still coming:  http://www.wrfu.net (want to compare, go to

If you are an existing DJ/programming group you should go sign up to
the site and let us know what your username and program are so we can
assign you to your show allowing to create show playlist and other
show specific things.

any issues, questions, concerns or anything related to the website,
shoot them to the rfu-tech at lists.chambana.net list.

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