[Tbtn] Take Back the Night Flyering

Ross A Wantland wantland at ad.uiuc.edu
Tue Apr 13 12:45:24 CDT 2004

Hey everyone,
   Flyers for Take Back the Night have been copied, and await you to put them up. There are also some calendars and posters for an upcoming play (for Sexual Assault Awareness Month) which could use hanging, too. To get the flyers:
1) Come to room 335 Student Services Building, 610 E. John St., Champaign (Only open from 8-5pm). If the room is locked, one of the secretaries can open it for you.

2) Check the "Posting Sheet" that says where the flyers have not yet been hung. Write your name next to the places that you will take flyers. 

3) Take as many flyers as the posting sheet says you need. 

4) Distribute. Hang them up, ask businesses to hang them (this is usually best, as the businesses won't take them down once they are up)

Let me know if you have any questions!

"[Y]ou should care about sexual violence prevention because it has something to do with hope. This hope is the hope that rape is not inevitable. Ever. Anywhere." 
- Andy Peck

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