[Tbtn] meeting notes 03.07.04

ruxandra m costescu rcostesc at uiuc.edu
Wed Mar 10 04:43:35 CST 2004

Hey, all, here are the notes from Sunday's meeting, plus some updates from today.

Attending: Ross, Ariel, Zoe, Ruxandra, Katie

*We discussed the location issue -- concerns over having the march start somewhere in the community vs on campus (turn-out, having to provide transportation, appearing to target a certain specific portion of the community...); we finally came up with two possibilities: 
 -- FIRST CHOICE: somewhere in downtown Champaign (Westside Park being too close to residential areas, but Michelle was going to check with the Park District for availability anyway): Zoe is looking into the space in front of the Cowboy Monkey, Ross into area by the City Building
 -- backup: Krannert Center (amphitheater and surrounding area), as it is a campus location but with community relevance (Ross will check this as well)
We'll try to have this figured out by the 15th (deadline for the SAAM calendar).

*Rally speakers/presenters: definite so far:
              Sluts Against Rape (Katie is organizing)
              Radical Cheerleaders
              Teen speaker (Tina?)
              Ariel with women's self defense demo

 -we're currently contacting Imani Bizzell and Kay Holley, and we have a few other ideas as well

*Katie is re-writing the outreach letter (based on last year's), and she'll send it to the list for feedback

*Ruxandra is editing the history and statement of the event text to bring to SAAM meeting for feedback [I did, and asked people to read it and write to me if they have comments, I will also send it to the list]

*We will start having weekly meetings -- our next one will be at 3pm this Sunday (the 14th), we didn't decide where but it can be at Espresso in Urbana again

Anything I forgot??


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