[Trees-research] Er scared blue eyes up at her, she only laughed grimly and let go. N

Wulkan Benack glutinous at galaxy-food.com
Wed Sep 22 16:02:44 CDT 2010

Dy to cry.

"You'd ought to
when I'm giving you the dollar," whispered Matilda,
with another nudge. Mr. Gerrish stood waiting,
and he frowned a little; he was a nervous man. "Ask him," whispered

Matilda, fiercely. Suddenly Comfort Pease turned herself about and ran
out of Gerrish's,
with a great wail
of inarticulate words about not wanting any ring. The door banged
violently after her. Matilda Stebbins
looked after her in a bewildered way; then she looked up at Mr.
Gerrish, who was frowning harder. "If you girls don't want anything,
you'd better stay out of doors with your sled," said
he. And Matilda trembled and gathered up the sled-rope, and the door
banged after her. Then Mr. Gerrish

said something to the man mending watches in the window, and went back
to his desk in the rear of the store. Matilda could just see Comfort
running down the street toward home, and she ran

after her. She could run faster than Comfort. As she got nearer she
could see people turning and looking curiously after Comfort, and when
she came
up to her she saw she was crying. "Why, you great baby, Comfort
Pease," said she, "going along the road
crying!" Comfort sobbed harder,

and people stared more and more curiously. Finally one
stout woman in a black velvet bonnet stopped. "I hope
you haven't done anything to hurt this other little
girl?" she said, suspicio
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