[UC-ODDMUSIC-discuss] Radio show/podcast ism

Chris Vaisvil chrisvaisvil at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 17:30:46 CDT 2010

Yes, this works for me.

I will set up an oddmusic account on www.notonlymusic.com

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Jacob Barton <udderbot at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Andrew - I can't find the email that explains how easy it is to download the
> archive of the radio shower.  Does it still work, do you know?
> I've added the most basic of information about the radio show to
> http://wiki.ucimc.org/bin/view/ODDMUSIC/RadioShower
> A sketch of the workflow for archiving the show, which would need to happen
> weekly if we were to get really good about this:
> 1. Soon after the radio show, a designated DJ submits a summary of the show,
> with playlist, to the oddmusic Wordpress blog, saving as a draft
> 2. ???¿¿¿ downloads the show from the WRFU archive computer & uploads it to
> Chris's server
> 3. Blog post draft is filled in with streaming link thingy.
> 4. Notify relevant mailing lists who might be interested in
> listening...which may change depending on the focus of the show.
> How does this sound?  Chris, does this cover what you wanted to talk about
> regarding the podcast? If not, let's phone-talk, perhaps - I am at
> 281-755-2260.
> --
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