[UC-ODDMUSIC-discuss] OddMusic working group report

Jacob Barton udderbot at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 16:03:49 CDT 2010

OddMusic has no items to add to the Steering agenda.  We have this to
report of ourselves:

1. About 100 people came out to Jacob Barton's first UDDERBOT RECITAL,
the entirety of which is archived at -->
http://archive.org/details/AnUdderbotRecital.  A quality show of
ground-breaking (glass-breaking?) mostly-classical music, thanks to
the IMC and countless efforts of volunteer composers, performers,
graphic designers, techies, and cooks.

2. You may have noticed the PIANO sitting on the IMC stage.  Jacob &
the Champaign Consortium workers transported it here from Tuscola, and
Jacob & Andy spent 5+ hours cleaning it out and tuning it for the
aforementioned recital. We'd like for it to live in the main space.
Feel free to play it!  It still needs some servicing; when that
happens, we intend to make it into a skillshare or otherwise document
it. We may get one additional upright piano, for retuning experiments!

3. CALL FOR INSTRUMENTS -- OddMusic's musical instrument lending
library expands the public's access to musical instruments and ideas,
in particular unusual and unique ones.  We'll be ramping up efforts to
raise awareness about the existence of this resource.  If you have an
instrument in good repair that is going to waste, which you'd like to
donate or loan to the library, please contact us.  The current open
hours for checking instruments out are Sunday nights 8-9 PM, which
could be expanded if more folks are trained.  Members of the public
are limited to borrowing 1 instrument for 1 week at a time; IMC
members can check out more for more time.

3. OddMusic Radio Shower on WRFU continues to present weekly answers
to the question "What makes music Odd?"  We want to feature local
composers and other oddballs as guests.  If you're feeling
creative-connective, email uc-oddmusic-discuss at lists.chambana.net with
ideas for a guest or a show theme.  We are tentatively transitioning
to a new slot: Wednesdays 8-9PM...

4. Things we need volunteery help with include:
- refinishing the side of the piano
- the call for instruments (flyering, securing in-kind donations,
photographing instruments)
- collecting internet resources for encouraging DIY music education
(e.g. video tutorials)
- continuing the creative interior design of our space
- setting up a formal catalog system for instruments, accessories,
books, CDs (or integrate with


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