[Vip-environmental] Orientation Nights and More!

Stephanie Juen juen at uiuc.edu
Mon Jan 31 00:46:33 CST 2005

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the length, but PLEASE read the whole thing. I 
hope your semesters have all been going well for these 
first couple of weeks. I am the new VIP Environmental 
director for the next year. I'm sure I have met many of you 
at events in the past, but for those I haven't, I would love 
for you to come volunteer in the future! 
The perfect opportunity to get involved is at the two 
upcoming Orientation Nights. This semester they are on
Monday Jan. 31 (for most people that will probably be 
tonight when you're reading this) and 
Wednesday Feb. 2, 
and we will have the meetings at 6:30 in 110 Lincoln Hall. 

They won't last too long, and I will have snacks for you 
guys, so come on out and find out more about how you can get 
Also, I have several coordinator positions open, so if 
you're interested in getting some leadership experience and 
working with a really fun team of people, let me know, and 
I'll send you a (short) application. 
PLEASE SEND ALL RESPONSES TO juen at uiuc.edu! Do not reply to 
this message. Thanks!

Hope to see you all soon!

Director VIP-Environmental

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