[Vip-environmental] Upcoming Events

Stephanie Juen juen at uiuc.edu
Tue Mar 29 19:44:30 CST 2005

Hello everyone!

I want to begin by saying this is going to be a long e-mail, 
but it contains a lot of important information, so if you 
could read it all, I'd appreciate it! I know you haven't 
received a lot of e-mails from me this semester, but it's 
just because a lot of things have been happening behind the 
scenes in the planning stages. Now that the weather is 
getting a little warmer, though, it's the perfect time to 
really do some great environmental events! 

There are a few upcoming things I'd like to focus on at the 

1) I've received a lot of e-mails from people about the 
Green Street Recycling Project. Thanks for all the interest! 
This is a project that has been in the works for awhile, but 
we want to try and get it started with at least one business 
by the end of this semester. The project's goal is to create 
a partnership with businesses on Green Street in which we 
will help them start and maintain a recycling program to 
reduce the amount of trash produced. It is a very flexible 
volunteer opportunity which allows for as much or as little 
commitment as you have time for. If this sounds like 
something you may be interested in, please come to the 
informational meeting... 

this WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th at 6 PM in 108 LINCOLN HALL!!!

I would love to see a bunch of you there!

2) On Wednesday, April 6, we will be co-sponsoring an event 
with other campus environmental orgranizations. The event 
will be an Energy Fair to promote knowledge about the 
importance of renewable energy sources for the future. It 
should be a great opportunity to help educate other students 
about one of the most relevent and pressing environmental 
issues facing us today (plus hopefully it will be a good 
chance for some publicity as well). If you would like to get 
involved with this event, drop me an e-mail and I'll send 
you more details. 

3) We will be having an outdoor workday with the Urbana Park 
District on the morning of Saturday, April 23. More details 
will be coming in the future about this, but I just wanted 
to let you know so you can pencil it in your schedules if 
you're interested. Other workdays are in the planning as 

4) A reminder, our Trail Stewards program will also be 
continuing this semester, and we should be getting out on 
those trails really soon. I'll be sending another e-mail in 
the next couple of days with more information, but I just 
wanted you to keep it in mind. Everyone who has participated 
in the past has loved it! 

I think those are the highlights for now. I know there's a 
lot of information there, so if you have any questions at 
all, feel free to send me an e-mail. 
In closing, I hope to see a bunch of you at the meeting this 
Wednesday and encourage you to get outside and enjoy the 
spring weather through volunteering with us the rest of this 

Stephanie Juen
Director VIP-Environmental

NOTE: Do NOT reply to this e-mail. For comments, questions, 
or to be unsubscribed from this list, e-mail me at... 

juen at uiuc.edu

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