[Volunteers-summer] August 2, 2004

Kathy Guthrie kguthrie at uiuc.edu
Tue Aug 3 09:01:24 CDT 2004

>Good Morning!
>Table of Contents
>1. Warehouse Volunteer: Eastern Illinois Food Bank
>2. American Heart Walk: Carle Hospital & American Heart
>3. After School Program: Champaign Public Library
>4. Environmental Education: Champaign County Forest Preserve
>5. Volunteers: Sweet Corn Festival
>1. Eastern Illinois Food Bank: Volunteer groups are needed to
>sort and package food products, and to help fill agency
>orders. Opportunities can be arranged to fit the schedule of
>groups, during the day, evening or weekends and for suggested
>two-hour blocks of time. This can be a fun and worthwhile
>opportunity to contribute and learn warehouse operations. Can
>be periodic or according to a desired schedule.  If
>interested contact Beth Hewing at 328-3663.
>2. Champaign County's American Heart Walk:  This fall the
>American Heart Association and Carle Hospital are holding
>their annual American Heart Walk.  If you are interested in
>participating in the walk or volunteering your time, please
>contact Cheri Hillier at 762-8040 or Barry Todd at 898-6969.
>3. Champaign Public Library After School Program: Work in the
>Adult Services Department to develop or help with easy
>projects for middle school students to do after school.
>Projects might include arts and carts and/or puzzles and
>games.  If interested, please contact Judie Christensen at
>4. Champaign County Forest Preserve Environmental Education:
>Listen to frogs sing a frog chorus. Find an animal track and
>follow it down a path. Use a water quality testing kit to
>determine the health of a lake. Call owls in for a night-
>time visit. Volunteer help is needed at the Environmental
>Education Center in Homer, just 20 minutes east of Urbana.
>Volunteer tasks include greeting visitors, teaching programs,
>animal care, preparing for programs, researching for
>programs, assisting the Staff and much more. If interested
>contact Kristina Hubert @ 586-3360 or at khubert at net66.com.
>5. Sweet Corn Festival: We want YOU to help out at the
>Urbana Sweetcorn Festival this summer!  If any of the
>programs listed above are not of your liking, we still have
>TONS to accomplish—WITH YOUR HELP!!  We are looking for
>people before, during and after Sweetcorn—we will even love
>to have you for all three times!  All Sweetcorn Volunteer
>participants will be receiving an appreciation award
>following their aid and assistance.  If interested in
>participating, sign up at one of the local libraries, the
>local YMCA, local churches, or online at
>for 250+ others.
>Tell them the Office of Volunteer Programs sent you,
>Laura Brayton
>Office of Volunteer Programs
>Phone#: 333-7424
>E-mail: ovp at uiuc.edu
>Office: 277 Illini Union (in the RSO complex)
>Website: www.union.uiuc.edu/ovp

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