[Bikecoop-announce] advocacy alert

Roedl, James M jmroedl at illinois.edu
Fri Jan 29 14:31:50 EST 2016

Bicycle Advocacy Action Alert.
It has come to our attention that cyclists’ input is badly needed on a number of projects. Deadlines are approaching, so if you want to request more bike parking, upgraded bike lanes, make other suggestions, or just ask questions, please do so quickly.

The Urbana Bicycle Master Plan is seeking comments until February 1st. Here is the link: http://cuuats.org/ubmp/documents<https://webmail.illinois.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=pcZ3Z1GanAbEWctlcwJU5Vm1B-XytRjd6clNyELVeCSyLXuzxCjTCAFodHRwczovL3VybGRlZmVuc2UucHJvb2Zwb2ludC5jb20vdjIvdXJsP3U9aHR0cC0zQV9fY3V1YXRzLm9yZ191Ym1wX2RvY3VtZW50cyZkPUJRTUZhUSZjPThoVVdGWmN5MlotWmE1ckJQbGt0T1Emcj1OOXhrb3E5cmF2Y3M2T2l0N2p0RVRqYm0yOW5HNnpnVmpXbDZqMkRybjF3Jm09THNGWlBSWHJvMG95d3FOT2RTLVN5UDJqbGgwbU5mVFp4ZXZuWXdoN1dFcyZzPWlvODZ2ajlyVmtaR284U0U2N2F1c3hrWGEwakc4cERfcU43a2RRSWZuSzQmZT0.>  Please take a moment to look and comment, even if you just ask for more bike infrastructure in general.  The planners and engineers take the comments seriously.

Comments needed.  There is a possibility of a bike path on First Street between Windsor and Curtis, but we need to request the change to the roadway.  Please contact Gabe Lewis at glewis at ccrpc.org<https://webmail.illinois.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=aa5bNSe-4wxw4REIgTSACTD3ASeJkfK_aTNGF2-VOGAwGnLxyyjTCAFodHRwczovL3dlYm1haWwuaWxsaW5vaXMuZWR1L293YS9yZWRpci5hc3B4P1JFRj1Ld2o5TFNrTGRiOEYwdzRQdGt4RW9tQW1SUXQzVXBHU0k2Unk4X3ItZU1ocGlPRzZ4aWpUQ0FGdFlXbHNkRzg2WjJ4bGQybHpRR05qY25CakxtOXlady4u>.  You can copy and paste this form letter if you wish.
Mr. Lewis,
I am a cyclist.  I feel the roadway on First Street between Windsor and Curtis would be much improved by a bike lane or bike path.  I would like you to work to implement appropriate infrastructure so cyclists are better served on this roadway.  Bicycle paths on this one-mile stretch would open up a corridor to the University and C-U from the south.  Currently, First Street is too dangerous for all but the most intrepid cyclists.

Thank you,

Champaign residents and trail users are still invited to review and vote on the Champaign Park District Trails Master Plan plan’s draft recommendations.  These include proposed trails, connecting bikeways, point improvements, and non-infrastructure improvements.  A voting packet is available on this project’s Documents webpage: http://cpdtrails.cuuats.org/documents<https://webmail.illinois.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=3Y7UaWe-jzikpJUKZw6jhU5jA5Tzi6ckg2RAVHZuiF8kGeBoxijTCAFodHRwczovL3VybGRlZmVuc2UucHJvb2Zwb2ludC5jb20vdjIvdXJsP3U9aHR0cC0zQV9fY3BkdHJhaWxzLmN1dWF0cy5vcmdfZG9jdW1lbnRzJmQ9QlFNRkFnJmM9OGhVV0ZaY3kyWi1aYTVyQlBsa3RPUSZyPU45eGtvcTlyYXZjczZPaXQ3anRFVGpibTI5bkc2emdWaldsNmoyRHJuMXcmbT1EcWZfZUVnMk5DeHJWTXZSa2Zsd2Q1UEltSTlzZG53SVFGaENubElVNlUwJnM9V3owODhJX01CWkFMcWtHaWZpT2JMVDZ6bkF3UGZkaDBJU1FCb3g4MjItcyZlPQ..>.  This closes on February first.

Savoy Bike & Pedestrian Plan,  Savoy residents and visitors are invited to the first public workshop of the Savoy Bike & Pedestrian Plan.  Participants are invited to provide input on walking and bicycling, especially desired routes, destinations, issues, and opportunities.

Time and location are as follows, and also on the attached flyer:

Thursday, February 4, 2016
6-8 PM
Savoy Recreation Center
Activity Room
402 W. Graham Dr., Savoy

Urbana Market at the Square, the City is updating the strategic plan for the Market at the Square. The Market Advisory Board is asking for feedback from vendors, patrons, and community groups via a survey by January 31. Please take a few minutes to share your opinions about our farmer's market and the direction it should take in the future - http://urbanaillinois.us/marketstrategicplan<https://webmail.illinois.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=jd2CyjHOf06qyIHfHmWvGy4icPaLe_uh4gRoJGsQAymyLXuzxCjTCAFodHRwczovL3VybGRlZmVuc2UucHJvb2Zwb2ludC5jb20vdjIvdXJsP3U9aHR0cC0zQV9fdXJiYW5haWxsaW5vaXMudXNfbWFya2V0c3RyYXRlZ2ljcGxhbiZkPUJRTUZhUSZjPThoVVdGWmN5MlotWmE1ckJQbGt0T1Emcj1OOXhrb3E5cmF2Y3M2T2l0N2p0RVRqYm0yOW5HNnpnVmpXbDZqMkRybjF3Jm09THNGWlBSWHJvMG95d3FOT2RTLVN5UDJqbGgwbU5mVFp4ZXZuWXdoN1dFcyZzPXdFdWw1NDVib3l4bVI4TnFDajNsUjQyTjI2Q2M5VVRhQXlTQU4yRFZNU1kmZT0.>.  Request more bike parking if you have a problem finding a spot, ask about better crossing for Vine st, and anything else.  While there are always limits to what can be done the city wants to make the market better for everyone.

The Bike Project location in Urbana is dirty.  This Wednesday February 3rd we will be cleaning up the space.  All are welcome to help in any way possible.  The cleanup will be from 6:30 to 9pm.

Bike Project Member Meeting.  Meetings are held so all can voice their opinion as well as vote on decisions concerning the Bike Project. The next meeting will be held on February 24th at 6:30pm at the Urbana location.
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