[cgfc] Iron Chef Needs YOU!

Jon jrfishe1 at uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 1 16:46:39 CST 2004

On Wednesday, April 28th, the Campus Vegetarian Society will be hosting
it's second Vegetarian Iron Chef event.  While we don't have all the final
details worked out yet, we do know this: we need people who love to cook
and are willing to compete.  We'd like to have a 4-person CVS team compete
against a 4-person co-op team.  Basically the rules are the same as the
show: you have an hour to cook as many dishes as possible that highlight
the secret ingredient.  The only twist is that all of the food used this
year will be vegan (although the chefs certainly don't have to be), and
that we use a 4-person team instead of one chef with unlimited

Cooking experience and creativity are helpful but not necessarily
required.  I participated in the last event and had a fabulous time, as
did everyone involved.  Even if you don't want to compete, you'll want to

If you're interested, please email me, and let me know what your level of
cooking experience is (along with any special areas of expertise, etc.).
Also, although I love the co-op dearly, I plan to represent CVS at this
event, so if someone wants to volunteer to be the co-op's "team captain"
that would be great.  You'd basically just be responsible for picking the
final team (if you get more than 4 applicants), and coordinating the
details with CVS.

CVS hopes to have more details about the event very soon; if you'd like to
provide input, you may want to attend the upcoming potluck Monday night,
7pm in the basement of Andrew's Lutheran Center (directly north of the
YMCA on the corner of Wright Street and Chalmers in Champaign).   Or just
email any ideas to me and I'll pass them on to the group.


-Jon Fisher


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