[cgfc] IDF Human Rights Film Series 2004

Stephanie Crandall scrandal at illinoisalumni.org
Sat Feb 28 17:50:22 CST 2004

Hey coop folks,

just wanted to send a reminder to the list serve about the human rights
film series that IDF will be hosting soon! 


On Thursday, March 18th, we will show “Uncovered: The Whole Truth About
the Iraq War”, a controversial and arresting new film that takes you
behind the walls of government, as CIA, Pentagon and foreign service
experts speak out, many for the first time, detailing the lies,
misstatements and exaggerations that served as the reasons to fight a
"preemptive" war that wasn't necessary. The film will be facilitated by
Joe Miller, UI adjunct assistant professor and national coordinator of
Vietnam Veterans Against the War.

On Thursday, April 1st, we will show “Incident at Oglala: The Leonard
Peltier Story”, about the violent events that took place in 1975 on the
Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, the extended standoff between
FBI agents and Indian activists, and the resulting, hotly contested
conviction of Leonard Peltier, a Sioux political leader, for the deaths
of two federal agents. Facilitator TBA.

On Thursday, April 8th, we will show “Zapatista”, a film from the Big
Noise Collective, documenting the 1996 journey of three young activists
into the heart of the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, making the
connections between it and the global movement against economic
exploitation. Facilitator will be Veronica Kann, Assistant Director of
La Casa Cultural Latina.

On Thursday, April 15th, we will show Hidden Wars of Desert Storm. On
August 2nd, 1990, Saddam Hussein launched his troops against Kuwait.
all diplomatic means really utilized to try to resolve the issue
peacefully? Was there any threat from Iraq against Saudi Arabia? What is
the truth behind this mysterious “Gulf War Syndrome?” “Hidden Wars of
Desert Storm” brings answers to these questions backed by interviews
General Schwarzkopf, former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, former
UNSCOM team-leader Scott Ritter and many others. The film will be
facilitated by Major Doug Rokke, PhD health physicist, forensic
and U.S. expert on the use of depleted Uranium weapons in the 1991 Iraq

On Thursday, April 22nd, we will show “Stolen Moments”, which attempts
to detail the struggle of lesbians to survive in a hostile world.
Beginning with modern day celebrations of pride, it moves back through
time, documenting the many successes and setbacks in the struggle for
recognition of lesbian identities and rights. Facilitator TBA.


Aaron Smith
IDF Assistant Director
idf at prairienet.org
(217) 352-8721


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