[cgfc] CGFC Weekly Bytes, Vol. 2, #4

Lisa BK lisabk at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 13:59:49 CST 2006

 Welcome to Common Ground Food Co-op's weekly e-newsletter! You're getting
this missive because you're a member of Common Ground who's also signed up
to be on the CGFC mailing list. If you aren't interested in receiving these
updates, please email lisa at commonground.coop (note email address change).

Every week, via this transmission, members are provided with store
updates/news, links to relevant news items/political actions, and other bits
and pieces worthy of mention. If you have anything of a similar bent you
think members should know about, please email links to
lisa at commonground.coop <lisabk at gmail.com>. Thanks!


Reposition your bookmarks - CGFC has a new online home:


It's not beautiful yet - the template is up and there's some content, but
not much - and will take some time to make awesome, but it's there. Keep
checking, though, for updated content! The old site,
www.commongroundcoop.org, will soon be redirecting surfers to the new site.

Starting next week, Bytes will be coming at ya from my new email address.

Cool features that we'll eventually incorporate include a forum, an events
calendar, and new listservs. Questions? Email me: lisa at commonground.coop.
Special thanks to member/webmaster ( ed at commonground.coop ) Ed Schell for
working so patiently with us on this.

First, I have to thank those who came out for our debut FBF this week - the
food issue was fair trade coffee - and learned a few things while having
cookies and delicious coffee from Mexico.


Common Ground Food Co-op is proud to announce Full Belly Forums - monthly
roundtable discussions about food issues that matter. February's food issue
that matters? The proposed National Animal Identification System (NAIS), its
potential effect on local egg and meat suppliers (and backyard chicken
raisers!), and how, if passed, this legislation could affect everyone.

Jim and Diann Moore run a small farm about an hour and a half outside
Urbana-Champaign in Watseka, IL - maybe you've seen them at a farmer's
market. Their chicken operation provides Common Ground with many dozens of
eggs per week; they also raise several kinds of meat on pasture and a large
variety of vegetables without chemicals.

The proposed National Animal Identification System (NAIS) is being touted as
a way to "protect" the farmer or rancher; our government wants to keep track
of the "national" herd and flock, even the few chickens you might have in
your backyard. Come listen to Jim and Diann talk about their farm, what they
think of this legislation, and how its passage could affect them - and you.

This Full Belly Forum takes place Monday, February 13, 2006 at 7 PM in the
Wisegarver Lounge in the Illinois Disciples Foundation building at 610 West
Springfield Avenue in Champaign. Full Belly Forums are always open to the
public. For more information, please call 352-3347 or email Lisa at
lisa at commonground.coop .

Yet another worker orientation has been scheduled - Saturday, February 4 at
1 PM. The group will be meeting in the store. Please come in if you're
interested in picking up a worker shift for the co-op.

Our seed order and fancy new spinner rack HAVE ARRIVED. We've got twice the
variety and number of seeds - beans, melons, squash, herbs, flowers, you
name it. Packets are going for $1.99 each and are ON SALE NOW. Spring is
coming - the vernal equinox is just 7 weeks away!

Grocery Buyer Katie has made a list of everything that's on sale in the
store - you can find it posted on one of the bulletin boards at the co-op.
Here's a partial list:

Grocery, on sale for all of January

Blues Busters Full Spectrum Light Bulbs    $5.19
Eden Spelt Buckwheat Gemelli               $2.89
Emergen-C  all flavors                     $.37 each, $9.69 a box
Equal Exchange Tea  all flavors            $3.39
Garden of Eatin' Guacamole Chips           $2.59
Hodgson Mills Buckwheat Pancake Mix        $2.29
If You Care Aluminum Foil                  $3.89
If You Care Baking Cups                     $.95
Journey Vanilla Bean Soda                  $1.06 each, $4.24 a 4 pack
Kagome Autumn Reds                         $2.99

Much more in the store!

Is there a dish you wish the co-op cooks and bakers would prepare once in
awhile? Cooks & Bakers manager Eric is taking your suggestions. Feel free to
drop your request for a salad, soup, baked treat, bread or whatever you
relish into Eric's mailbox in the CGFC office.


"Whole Foods CEO John Mackey... recently told *The Independent* (UK), "You
can't have it both ways. If you want the highest quality, it costs more.
It's like complaining that a BMW is more expensive than a Hyundai. Yes, but
you're getting a better car."

And few Whole Foods Markets are situated in economy-car country. Of the 170
stores in the U.S., none are located in zip codes with average 2003
household incomes at or below $31,000 -- the approximate income earned by a
full-time employee earning the average Whole Foods wage.

Only nine of the 170 stores are in zip codes with incomes of $43,300 or
lower. That was the median income in the United States that year (that is,
half of U.S. households had incomes lower, and half of them higher, than

Half of the zip codes with Whole Foods stores lie above $72,000 in average
income. A fourth of them exceed $100,000."

More here:


"The *Mighty Foods* site is about natural foods, organic ingredients,
fair-trade products, veg-friendly recipes, sustainable farming, whole
grains, organic wines, ingredient spotlights, news, profiles, reviews, gift
ideas, new product information, culinary travel ideas, studies and trends -
information and inspiration, all wrapped up in one food-loving bundle.
Updated often."



OK, he's from Italy, but it's a great story!



Well Fed gives you plenty to, uh, digest:



Please feel free to forward these links to people you think might benefit
from such knowledge.
Thanks and look for issue 2.5 same time (more or less) next week!

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