[Commotion-admin] [luci-commotion] Usability addons (#128)

critzo notifications at github.com
Thu Dec 19 21:39:00 UTC 2013

This pull request applies changes to the layout of the Setup Wizard confirmation page. To test, confirm that the cbi-actions buttons on the bottom of the confirmation page are centered and in a single row on a large screen. On small screen devices, the buttons should be in a single row and right aligned.
You can merge this Pull Request by running:

  git pull https://github.com/opentechinstitute/luci-commotion usability-addons

Or you can view, comment on it, or merge it online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * fixed merge conflicts
  * removed unneeded old commotion helpers
  * adding basic quickstart menu dispatcher based flow models
  * finished basic development and testing on flow model. This commit proves functionality, it does NOT show a working implementation of the flow model for the basic menu. But, this does put a pause to issue 77 until all pages are completed.
  * created controllers for new menu structure and touched the files required for the new structure.
  * added status page template and controller hooks for all tabs.
  * Added rough cbi pages for client controls. Added nodogsplash uci file and corresponding init.d file that still needs to be added to uci-track to controll nodogsplash settings.
  * Added rought cbi for a passwords page that provides options to add a passwoed for all the interfaces
  * added about, help, license sections for Chris
  * added help page template.
  * added about page template and updated help page template
  * added license page, added h1 tags to help and about pages
  * added most of the wireless network cbi content except some prettyness and a key deletion upon encryption flag deletion. Also, need to go back and redo much of the basic_mn page after learning some things.
  * Fixed broken template path in commotion.lua
  * completed mesh and access point interface creators. Bug 119 to be addressed before closing issues.
  * Merge branch 'usability' of https://github.com/opentechinstitute/luci-commotion into usability
  * removed unneeded placeholder. Section is anonymous.
  * Preliminary port of neighbors page
  * added controls to only have addremove on these interfaces when not in quickstart, and defaults for quickstart process
  * Commented out table.sort line that breaks nearby_md
  * Update nearby_md fields to reflect UI review requests
  * about to remove the functionality to add other wireless interfaces because it will not allow me to finish this for R1
  * deleted wireless additions per last commit
  * added gateway configuration
  * issue 121 fixed controllers
  * Leaving gateway, neighbors, rx signal for v1.1
  * Removing links to neighbors from html page, since firewall rules prevent AP clients from reaching backhaul IP addresses
  * remove unused lq eplanations
  * sketched node info table
  * Added ETX definition
  * Removed debug code
  * Removed unused functions
  * Node info section is being handled by status.htm
  * Merge pull request #122 from opentechinstitute/tab-nearby-md
  * added quickstart confirmation page and the start of regular menu confirmation pages
  * Merge pull request #118 from opentechinstitute/usability-templates
  * Merge branch 'usability' of https://github.com/opentechinstitute/luci-commotion into usability
  * some minor modifications of footer pages
  * added main status page and working (need to be tested with multiple nodes meshing. But, their error conditions work great.) status tab sub-pages. Status controller now usses a small creator function with on page includes to determine the page that is included. I would much rather battle with lua then deal with the unyeilding trauma that would come from me trying to sort out iframes. Also, ate a bag of sea salt and vinegar kettle chips. They were the worst. Thought you might want to know.
  * Added required uci hooks for nodogsplash basic ucitrack integration
  * removed init script that used suffix in favor of non-suffixed version... it was a silly idea to use a suffix really
  * moved the initial creation of uci objects into a uci-defaults script where it rightfully should go. Why run the logic everytime when we can do it only once.
  * removed save-as and reset buttons from all non-quickstart page to make room for new lua-helpers confirmation page function. Also added proper subheader flags to menu items that are major topics according to UX document.
  * updated quickstart delegator days ago and have no idea what I have changed. But, this delegator works for all four quickstart pages and concludes with the confirmation page as required
  * updated maps to use confirmation page when save is used
  * modified enc flag variable write and remove functions to set the section 'changed' value to true so that the config confirmation hooks go off and capture a user. Also, identified that all config values that commotiond uses need to include the proper commotion functions for changing them. Possibly a check that allows me to simple have each map query commotiond on parse and see if it is changing a commotiond value, and change it in the commotion profile as well.
  * added serval mesh keychain options and enabled my serval init.d script in uci-defaults. NOTE the servald commands in the init.d script are temporary and will be replaced with working commotiond calls.
  * added a write check for correct file formatting of uploaded serval files... don't know if it works yet. Still need some more info on serval calls before work can continue.
  * fixed some spacing issues
  * updated security config to work with mesh keyring
  * removed unneeded todo comment
  * moved all application funcationality into application repo
  * starting the final clean up of the setup wizard
  * actually moved all functionality of applications to the app repo
  * added some external functionality clean up to functions created before condesing down.
  * removed old controller functions
  * removed serval keyring from menu as it is not called through the basic menu.
  * purged all mentions of quickstart from this process and replaced them with setup wizard
  * removed depricated meshprofile html page from repo
  * corrected spelling of SETUP wizard
  * updated status config to remove a failed call which caused the http content type to be replaced with plain text... which is a fun and hard to track down bug.
  * added exit codes to uci-track scripts to allow openwrt to delete them on success and corrected a minor error assigning adhoc to the ap
  * updated the menu ordering of various nodes as well as adding in some missing requirements and a note to add in a setup_wizard-end setting that will toggle the setup wizard function off after completion
  * added the begginings of a welcome page. Still need graphics and some logic behind it.
  * added welcome page to quickstart process.
  * added non admin confirmation menu to setup_wizard process
  * fixed broken link
  * changed header to represent the setup wizard process
  * removed unneeded, and error filled line about enabling a init script from uci-defaults scripts
  * fixed bugs relating to apllying on quickstart which meant that I had to copy the application functions into a script that did not require root
  * created side menu capabilities in setup wizard, as well as early finish capabilities.
  * Added in node-id identifier to the end of the hostname. NOTE that this will have to be removed when we implement any of the threat model as it creates an identifier that is unique to the device. Though, it will be a great way to track down stolen and re-flashed nodes.
  * created a more descriptive name for ucitrack-updates
  * Added a setup_wizard config. Will have to add a setting to save on saved settings sysupgrade later.
  * Actually added the config setting to turn it on by default..
  * added basic functionality for status header. Still need failsafe values and prettifying
  * added failsafes to interface values
  * Added simple gateway checker... Not proud of it, but it is there.
  * added links to take users from the confirmation and revoktion pages to the start of setup wizard and from the application page to the advanced menu.
  * setup_wizard core functions are now added upon starting instead of at boot to allow for easier saved settings sysupgrade
  * added working sidebar menu's to the setup wizard menu.
  * Apply now turns off quickstart if it is on.
  * now it also ends the check for setup wizard so that it does not hang forever
  * removed unneeded comment
  * hopfully that will allow the depends statement work
  * added controllers that will allow for admin password changes to be tracked.
  * added new reset button language
  * fixed setup wizard uci errors
  * added correct main admin menu
  * fixed status builder to correctly grab client info and not break on none
  * Changed some broken cbi values
  * moved the ordering of turning off setup wizard so it does not break the page xhr
  * added proper hostname support
  * fixed some spacing and some spelling no  logic modified
  * removed broken dependencies
  * added a correct admin password check. Still need to do changed password comparisons.
  * updated text to mention that the user will be asked to confirm creation before being allowed configuration
  * modified where the confirm controller is located and did some clean up on passwords and datatypes
  * removed bandwidth controlls per issue 73
  * updated page text
  * added default values for adhoc and ap networks, including network and profile creation for mesh networks.
  * Added correct text to interfaces.
  * updated page to reflect new conditions from JK
  * finalized status menu. All pages working fully. most work done on connected clients page and functions which I wrote without any clients. Suprised it was as close to working as it was.
  * fixed a silly error where you could not pass this page in quickstart because it would stop even if all values were empty.
  * got buttons working across all basic menus and setup wizard. They could use for some proper floating. But, they look good. Also got the apply confirm and revert pages working better. Still need to customize the confirmation page html to collect similarly sectioned items and display them for users.
  * migrating over to ubus based version of ifaces list
  * added extra option for when the radio is unknown.
  * don't check which user, since we don't have multiple users anyway currently.
  * Removing serval section as it will not be ready for R1
  * added better error handling for uploads
  * added check to include pretty button on setup wizard even though it is not a basic menu
  * remove admin password check if during setup wizard... when you don't have an admin password.
  * condensed all setup uci-defaults files into one script
  * finally fixed all password issues
  * changed the admin pass uci settings name
  * added save changes to flags in need, which were flags indeed.
  * formatted status header info items to look pretty
  * corrected debug submit link to point to the correct directory.
  * moved theme based changes into the theme uci files
  * changed setup_wiz button ordering
  * added title tag text to all movement buttons
  * updated page titles to not use ironic quotes
  * added checks for passwords that work in setup wizard
  * removed extra form header
  * added basic body content class to welcome page for styling purposes
  * added confirmation title to all password confirmation sections
  * modified some titles to better reflect their sections
  * moved network creation to work in setup wizard as well with mesh networks
  * added mode and network automatically to new ap interfaces created
  * made edit and upload buttons checkbox to maintain consistancy with other pages.
  * updated password text
  * made things more pretty for mobile
  * brought hypothetical serval functionality back in. testable today from what I hear.
  * final bits of prettyness for mobile style sheets
  * fixed nodeid issue. fixed password field showing a false error.
  * updated network interfaces page to reflect that plug is now called wired
  * removed temporary functions for testing
  * solidified enable/disable on checking it off
  * added settings.changed for the confirm menu to pick up changes.
  * added new chunks of serval code to use commands I have been told so much about
  * cleaned out the reuse of the flag variable
  * added lan replacement for client
  * changed commotion network interface on mesh to be names the same name
  * removed commotion set stubs
  * added new class object to the network initialization section
  * addressed dispatcher still failing to recognize that it does not need an admin password as well as a problem where it tried to apply password to current user instead of the admin.
  * fixed hostname nultiple nodeid additions upon re-creation issue.
  * added back in info pages.
  * removed extra divs and inline styles around cbi-page-actionsi div to allow proper centering of buttons

-- File Changes --

    A .gitignore (1)
    A files/etc/config/nodogsplash (7)
    A files/etc/config/serval (7)
    A files/etc/config/setup_wizard (5)
    A files/etc/init.d/serval (68)
    A files/etc/init.d/ucidog (42)
    A files/etc/uci-defaults/luci-setup-wizard (22)
    D luasrc/commotion_helpers.lua (203)
    A luasrc/controller/commotion/basic_config.lua (172)
    A luasrc/controller/commotion/client_config.lua (20)
    D luasrc/controller/commotion/commotion.lua (45)
    A luasrc/controller/commotion/info.lua (21)
    D luasrc/controller/commotion/meshprofile.lua (371)
    A luasrc/controller/commotion/security_config.lua (27)
    D luasrc/controller/commotion/serval_keyring.lua (161)
    A luasrc/controller/commotion/setup_ctl.lua (82)
    A luasrc/controller/commotion/status_config.lua (370)
    A luasrc/model/cbi/commotion/basic_ani.lua (55)
    A luasrc/model/cbi/commotion/basic_done.lua (25)
    A luasrc/model/cbi/commotion/basic_mn.lua (195)
    A luasrc/model/cbi/commotion/basic_ns.lua (172)
    A luasrc/model/cbi/commotion/basic_wn.lua (172)
    A luasrc/model/cbi/commotion/client_wp.lua (128)
    A luasrc/model/cbi/commotion/confirm_config.lua (5)
    D luasrc/model/cbi/commotion/meshconfig.lua (63)
    A luasrc/model/cbi/commotion/security_pass.lua (228)
    A luasrc/model/cbi/commotion/security_smk.lua (101)
    A luasrc/model/cbi/commotion/setup_wizard.lua (62)
    A luasrc/view/cbi/commotion/addAP.htm (15)
    A luasrc/view/cbi/commotion/addMesh.htm (17)
    A luasrc/view/cbi/commotion/delegator.htm (59)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/about.htm (19)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/apply.htm (49)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/apply_xhr.htm (44)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/confirm.htm (82)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/conn_clients.htm (112)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/debug.htm (54)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/error_olsr.htm (17)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/help.htm (27)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/license.htm (16)
    M luasrc/view/commotion/meshprofile.htm (107)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/nearby_md.htm (152)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/revert.htm (51)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/status.htm (55)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/viz.htm (7)
    A luasrc/view/commotion/welcome.htm (36)

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