[Commotion-admin] [luci-commotion] Passwords (page) (#101)

Seamus Tuohy notifications at github.com
Tue Nov 19 19:20:27 UTC 2013

main section title : Basic Security Settings
help text: Commotion basic security settings places all the passwords and other security features in one place for quick configuration.		
section title: Passwords

option title:Mesh Encryption Password	
option help: To encrypt Commotion mesh network data between devices, each device must share a common mesh encryption password. Enter that shared password here.	
Text-Box (password)
Text-Box (password confirm)		

option title: Administration Password	
behavior: (replaces Admin Password)
help text: This password is used to login to this node.	
Text-Box (password)
Text-Box (password confirm)

CONDITION: This section iterates over all radios/ethernet for all configured interfaces and offers passwords for them)
section title: <iterate over all radio's for name>	
option title: <iterate over all interfaces for type> Password
help text: Enter the password people should use to connect to this <interface type>.
Text-Box (password)
Text-Box (password confirm)

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